Kiss Me Back

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Description: The Slytherins and Gryffindors play a game of Spin the Bottle during the party after the first task (this is set in fourth year). (Harry's POV)

Warnings: Swearing, and obviously there are differences from the original scenes, where Harry followed Hermione out of the party, and how only the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors attended

Song: I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry

Length: 710 words

Harry's POV

I watched the dancing from the edge pf the room.
After everyone - including myself - had celebrated Hogwart's victory in the first task, I had quickly been forgotten, left to stare at the partygoers for what seemed like hours.
It had probably only been minutes.
I let out a small sigh and rubbed my burning eyes, running a hand through my sweaty, shaggy hair.
"Aww, Potter, are you not enjoying the festivities?"
I whipped my head up to see Draco Malfoy standing in front of me, his arms crossed and his face twisted into a sneer.
Inwardly, I groaned, though I only pursed my lips in reality.
"Not now, Malfoy... Please."
I didn't want to be antagonized by my cru... I meant, enemy. Not then.
"What are you gonna do? Cry for mommy? Oh, right... You don't have a mommy." He snickered, and both Crabbe and Goyle, who stood beside him, nodded in agreement to his statement.
"Oh yeah?" I hissed, suddenly absolutely, completely, and utterly pissed. "At least I don't run to my mommy every time something doesn't go my way."
Malfoy's face flushed a soft pink.
No. Not at all.
Suddenly, Pansy appeared behind Malfoy, startling all four of us.
"Hey, you guys." She chirped, her gaze briefly flitting to me before returning to Malfoy. "The Gryffindorks started a game of Spin the Bottle, want to join?"
Taking one last venomous glance at me, Draco - I meant, Malfoy - walked away, joining a rapidly growing group of people I assumed were the ones who were going to play the party game.
After Crabbe and Goyle left, Pansy quirked a brow in my direction.
"I meant you too, Potter."
I couldn't help but blush.
"Oh." I murmured, then melted into the group, my eyes on the floor.
The last time I had played Spin the Bottle with the Gryffindors, I had been forced to kiss both Ron and Neville, which had obviously not gone well.
Eventually, we all managed to sit in a circle.
Pansy placed a bottle at the center of the circle.
"Does everyone know how to play?" She asked, and everybody nodded. "Okay, good. Millie, you start."

"Harry, it's your turn."
I was jerked away from my thoughts by a grinning Hermione, who had just been forced to kiss Crabbe.
"Oh... Okay."
My voice was hushed, a nervous whisper.
What idiot would I have to kiss?
Knowing my luck, probably Goyle.
Nibbling on my bottom lip, I reached out and spun the bottle, my eyes on the floor as it landed on someone.
When the bottle halted, the entire room went silent.
"Oh, shit." Ron whistled, and the group burst into nervous laughter.
For a moment, I was confused.
That is, until I looked to see who the battle had landed on.
I paled once I realized that person was Malfoy.
He sat across from me, his face flushed a brilliant scarlet, his hands knotted in his lap.
"Well, come on, then." He snapped. "Get it over with."
But I didn't want to.
I knew that the moment our lips would touch, I would want to stay their forever, caught in my enemy's arms for eternity.
I swallowed thickly before standing and taking a hesitant step forward.
Malfoy only watched me, his pale brows raising higher and higher with every step I took.
"What, am I really that dreadful?" He drawled once I sat in front of him, and I blushed, turning away.
"... N-no...?" I stammered.
My answer must have surprised him, because those silver eyes widened ever so slightly before that horrendous wall was put back up.
"Hurry the blood hell up." He yelped, and stiffened when I smashed my lips against his.
I don't know what I expected.
It was messy and sloppy, yes, but wonderfully, beautifully delightful.
And do you know what was even better?
Malfoy kissed me back.

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