Kissing for Dummies

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Description: In an AU where Draco was sorted into Gryffindor and disowned by his father after befriending Ron, Hermione, and Harry, Draco asks Harry for advice on kissing. (Harry's POV, based off of my Scorbus oneshot Practice Kisses)

Warnings: None

Song: Bad Liar by Selena Gomez

Length: 1k words


Harry's POV

My bare toes dug into the soft, moist dirt. Outside, the moon was a silver orb, and the stars shone brighter than I had ever seen before. The wind was cool and whispered delicately while the howling of wolves in the distance sent chills down my spine.

Whenever I couldn't sleep, I explored the Forbidden Forest, letting my thoughts drift away from schoolwork, Quidditch, and thoughts of him.


I didn't know exactly when I realized I not only liked girls but boys as well. Perhaps it was when in fourth year, I had realized I had a crush on both Cho and Cedric, or in fifth year, when I crushed on Bill, Ron's older brother.

I never told anyone about that, except for Ginny.

I used to like her, her mane of wild red curls and sparkling blue eyes. I used to love the ringing of her laugh, the soft feeling of her skin against my fingertips, the way she murmured my name against my lips whenever we kissed.

But not anymore.

I had admitted my feelings towards her had shifted elsewhere in sixth year, and she had been okay with it, bringing forth the topic of her slight crush on non other than Luna Lovegood.

Now, that was interesting.

But I wasn't in the woods to ponder Luna and Ginny's blossoming romance. Rather, I ignored the professors constant warning to wander the forest, letting my thoughts drift to him.

Everything reminded me of him. Everything. And there was nothing I could do to change that.


When I returned to the Gryffindor common room, it was nearly three o'clock in the morning, everyone asleep. Sighing, I settled in a chair next to the crackling fire.

I became entranced by the flames, drawn towards the idea that something so contained and calm could destroy so much if released upon the school.


I whipped my head towards the staircase.

Draco's hands were clasped behind his back, and the emotions churning in his eyes were hidden by a writhing reflection of the fireplace.

My heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah?" I said breathily, glad it was dark when I blushed.

My *slight* crush on Draco had definitely developed in time for the beginning of second year, enough so that I noticed small things about him that nobody else did because of the way my gaze always lingered on him. I noticed the way he brushed his hair back with his left and when he was nervous, chewed on his right thumbnail. I noticed how the taste of carrots and goat cheese absolutely repulsed him but how he loved apples. I noticed how his gaze always tended to stray around the room, landing on who, I had no idea.

But the jealousy that I knew so well smoldered in my chest whenever his eyes drifted like that.

I wetted my lips, and watched as he brought his thumb to his lips, but stopped short of chewing on them when he caught my gaze.

I quirked a brow, amused - yet petrified - by his silence.

"Couldn't sleep?" I questioned, and he nodded, moving to sit next to me.

When he sat on the chair across, my breath caught, and I looked away, terrified by the fact that he could see my face in the firelight.

"Yeah." He murmured.

We looked at each other through the tension, and I couldn't help but be filled with wonder at the way the fire brought a warm glow to his usually pale face, and how the flames performed a wild dance in the mirrors that were his eyes-

No. Stop.

"Harry, can I ask you something?" He said abruptly, shattering the quietness.

I nodded slowly.


"Well... How do you kiss somebody?"

The question startled be so much that I jerked, much to Draco's surprise.

He raised his brows.

"Did I say something?"

I shook my head, biting my lip.

"No, never mind... But why do you want to know?"

I had to ask, even though I was pretty sure I already knew the answer.

"You see, I sort of like somebody... And I was going to ask them on a date-"

"You think people kiss on first dates?" I asked, unable to hide the smile that curled my lips upward, and that smile widened as he blushed.

"No, but I just wanted to be sure how if we actually do kiss... Eventually." He said.

I couldn't help but marvel at the innocence of his words. Draco Lucius Malfoy, innocent? Who would've thought.

"Okay, so you want me to instruct you on how to kiss?"

He nodded.

"Oh... Fine, okay. I can do that. Basically, you move your lips-"

"I know." He interrupted. "But how? Like, really?"

I wrinkled my nose, staring into the fire.

"I don't know, it's just sort of an instinct, I guess."

"I... Okay?"

"You know what, do you want me to show you how?"

The words were out of my mouth before I could even think to stay quiet.

Both of us went still, and avoided each other's gazes.

"Uh... Sure." He murmured eventually, and I whipped my head towards him, my eyes widening.

"Wait, you're serious?"

His blush deepened, and he stood, walking towards me.

"Yeah, but-"

I stood, and silenced his words with my lips.

He stood, frozen, but I grabbed his shoulders, carefully pushing us apart.

"Follow my lead." I whispered against his lips, and I watching, smiling slightly as goosebumps erupted on his arms.

When I reconnected our lips, he did just that.


"You know," Draco murmured, curling his arms around me.

We were laying on the Gryffindor common room couch, side by side, missing more than a few items of clothing.

"Hmm?" I whispered.

"I was going to ask you out."

My heart skipped a beat, and I curled into him, exhaling softly.

"I'm glad, then." I said, and turned towards him, but the rest of my words were swallowed by his velvet touch.

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