Scarlet Blooms

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Description: yes, this is yet another classic Drarry drabble thing (agh, you know what I mean). In this one, Draco and Harry get involved in a late night game of Paranoia - with a twist, of course.

Song: Stone Cold by Demi Lovato (I fcking love this song sm)

Warning: underage drinking

Notes: honestly, who can't help but laugh whenever somebody puts homosexuality down as a warning for Drarry oneshots? BITCH IT'S A DRARRY ONESHOT TF WERE YOU EXPECTING. Uh, anyway, make sure to check out my new oneshot book, Lights~Pansmione!

Length: 2.1k words


Harry's POV

The cold wind brushed against my bare back, leaving chills crawling down my spine like frozen fingers. I shifted uncomfortably. My feet were near numb as the dangled in the water, and I watched with a small smile spreading on my lips like a blooming rose as Pansy squealed, throwing herself onto a laughing Hermione. Beside them, Ron, Blaise, and Neville talked animatedly while Ginny and Luna eyed each other from where they stood across from each other in a group that consisted of Gregory, Seamus, Dean, and Leanne. A couple feet across from me, Draco talked quietly with a gorgeous golden-blonde Slytherin girl I couldn't bother to remember the name of. Angela, perhaps? Or Aberdeen...

"Harry, come on in!" Hermione suddenly called from her spot next to Pansy, her arm curled around the other girl's waist. The shattered light from the grinning moon made Hermione's face look paler and cooler than it actually was, highlighting the sharpness in her cheekbones and jaw. Pansy shot a ruby-red smile in my direction.

"No thanks," I said back. "I'm cold. I think I'm gonna head in soon, okay, guys?" My words were met with a chorus of groans, and to my delight, the conversation between Draco and his little blonde snake halted.

"Aw, you can't go back in yet! What about a game?" Ginny interjected, and both Blaise and Gregory made purring sounds through clenched teeth.

"Sounds like we all agree, then," Blaise said, his voice satin, and he gently grabbed Neville's hand and brought him to the shore of the lake, to Ron's clear jealousy. My lips thinned, and I climbed completely onto the small, wooden bridge I sat upon, then making my way to the approaching group.

They settled themselves onto the dark sand into what appeared to be a circle. I sat down next to Ginny and Hermione, shooting Ginny a quick smile before folding my legs beneath me.

"You're making it too obvious." Ginny's voice was quiet enough that nobody else except for me heard her. I turned, startled.

"What?" However, before she could answer, Blaise clapped his hands together, startling everyone in the group.

"Now, what should we play?" he said, quirking a delicately done brow. He was immediately met with an onslaught of game names, but he looked bored until I said the name of a game beneath my breath. He perked up.

"What did you say, Harry?"

"I said, Paranoia."

He threw his head back and laughed, snapping his fingers. Immediately, each person was presented with a shot glass full of his or her favorite alcoholic drink - all with the same potency, of course. The majority had something like rum or Firewhiskey in their glasses, however, both Draco and Pansy had vodka mixed with what appeared to be cranberry juice and mine was filled to the brim with what I knew to be my own personal moonshine.

"Each is refilled every time you drink it, and each is spiked with Veritaserum, so don't expect to be lying tonight. The rules are simple - in this version, if the never have I ever is something like, 'Never have I ever made out with a muggle', if you have, you have to drink your shot and then declare who you kissed. Got it?" Everyone nodded uncertainly. "Okay, good. I'll start off easy, to get us drinking the Veritaserum. Never have I ever doubted my Hogwarts house."

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