Dance: Part One

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Description: a superhero AU where Harry, Los Angeles's prime hero, has started to develop feelings for his archenemy. And though he thinks that they are both far away from each other, the Viper may be closer than initially believed. (based off of a Tumblr post)

Warnings: swearing, sexual mentions

Song: Impossible Year by Panic! At the Disco

Notes: Sorry that my posting has been a bit sporadic lately, but I've been juggling a mixture of graduation preparation, applications, finals, and rehearsals for my play. Enjoy!

Length: 3.2k words


Third Person POV

Every story needs its hero, and every story needs its villain. Right?



Harry watched through his shaded mask as the Viper scaled the building. The night was bitingly cold, the winds caressing Harry's skin even through his suit, while the full moon cast an eerie glow upon the scene. Like always, the Viper was wearing a crisp, black bodysuit equipped with enough belts and pockets to hold an entire armory. The top half of his face was covered with a moon shaped mask that didn't even betray the slightest outline of his eyes. Harry always imagined them to be an icy blue, or, true to his name, a venomous green. His silvery hair was tied in a knot at his neck.

Once the Viper reached the top of the building, he immediately saw Harry, also known as Golden Dagger. The villain's smile was predatory.

"Golden Dagger," he drawled, spinning a dagger of his own in one hand. As he prowled towards the hero, Harry felt unwillingly pleasant chills snake down his back.

Harry lifted his chin. "Viper."

There was a game they played, a dance led by the Viper. It always started with that wolfish smile. Then came the rest.

The Viper snagged Harry's chin and watched him with eyes the icy blue he had predicted, though the hero wouldn't know that. The villain then leaned in close enough that their breaths entwined.

"What would you like to play tonight, hmm?" The Viper's hands slid down Golden Dagger's sides. Harry's breath caught in his throat, and though he didn't betray it, his heart beat at a thousand miles per hour.

Though the wind was cold, Harry suddenly felt warm.

That same warmth was snatched away as the Viper abruptly danced away, the dagger in his hand being pressed against Harry's back.

Harry gritted his teeth, and spun away. "You know," he panted, "this is stupid. I'm not even stopping you from doing anything! Why are we here?"

Every time, the same question. When Viper voiced the same thought aloud, Harry just scoffed, removing a gleaming knife from his belt. The metal flashed brilliantly in the moonlight.

Viper's lips curled. "We are here to dance."

Immediately, the air around them was a blur of Harry's golden blades and Viper's obsidian knives. It was truly a dance, a song of elegant dodges and theatrical spins and dark laughter, stormy emotions hanging over the ballet like a black cloud. Where one leapt, the other arched, the two ending up chest to chest.

"You should be glad you caught me now," Viper gasped, his smile wicked. "I was just about to have a little fun with my knives and a little bitch named William."

Harry gritted his teeth and slipped away from the Viper, his heart beating erratically. And though he had no response, the villain continued to speak. "Oh, are you too excited, Golden Dagger? Having to much fun?"

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