Dragon's Breath

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Description: There's a flickering flame in Harry's stomach, literally, and yet, he doesn't know what keeps those embers sparking. (Harry's POV)

Warnings: None (told you I wasn't doing swear warnings anymore)

Song: Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys

Length: 1k words

Harry's POV

I gingerly pressed my index and middle fingers to my stomach, wincing as my torso flared with a burning pain.
"Told you this was a bad idea." I mumbled and glanced at Hermione.
She flushed a vibrant pink, shaking her head before letting her gaze drift back to her book.
"No, it wasn't." She insisted. "Now you'll know whether you and Ginny should get together."
I couldn't help but cringe.
I didn't want Ginny and I to be an item.
"Er, I already told you I don't like her." I pointed out, and Hermione rolled her eyes, snapping the book shut.
"I know. I was jesting, Harry. Anyway, as long as that burns, you and your crush have chemistry. If it dies, that means your love for each other has died as well. And, the burning feeling will flare if you go near your crush."
Just the thought made me wince in the anticipation of pain.
"Yeah, this is definitely a bad idea."
Instead of responding, she only snorted, standing up and shoving the charms book into her satchel.
"I'll meet you in the common room, okay?"
Those were the only words she uttered before she disappeared from the library.
Sighing, I leaned back in my chair, my gaze darting to the ceiling.
Who did I even like?
When the pain flared again, I let out a small yelp, leaning forward in a vain attempt to get comfortable.
"Aw, what's wrong, Potty?"
Inwardly, I hissed.
"What do you want, Malfoy?" I managed to say, inclining my head towards him.
He stood at the library entrance with Pansy and a golden haired girl by his side, smirking at me.
"I just wanted to find a book." He drawled.
I frowned.
Surprisingly, he sounded nonchalant, as if he didn't crave a fight.
"Oh... Okay." I murmured, and made a move to stand, but the burning in my stomach flared once more, forcing me to sit back down.
"You okay?" Malfoy asked, tilting his head.
Was the concern in his eyes?
No... I was mistaken.
"Yes." I gritted my teeth, forcing myself to stand before fleeing the library, my heart racing in my smoldering chest.

The second day, the fire in my chest was flickering, dying, but still sparking violently like a spitting ember.
I awoke, my eyes fluttered as my stomach began to burn.
Ron glanced at me from where he stood.
"Hey, mate, you okay?"
Unable to speak, I only jerked my head as a feeble nod.
Furrowing his brow, he turned away, focusing instead on some unknown item inside his trunk.
I curled into myself.
Merlin, it stung.
"Are you sure?" Ron asked.
A cry bubbled out from my lips, and he rushed to my bedside, placing a quivering hand on my forehead.
He jerked it back with a yelp.
"Merlin, Harry, you're smoldering!"
I couldn't help but smile inwardly.
He didn't know how right he truly was.
"And...?" I croaked, blinking.
"We need to bring you to Madam Pomfrey."
Then she would know about the charm.
But, then again, she could probably reverse it...
"O-okay." I stammered, and blacked out.

I awoke to the murmuring of voices.
"You cast a spiritus draconis charm on him? You could get expelled, Ms. Granger."
Madame Pomfrey.
Hermione responded with a sigh.
"Madame Pomfrey... It was only an experiment..."
"Nonetheless, it can't be reversed."
A moment of silence.
The thudding of my heart filled my ears, but I couldn't speak.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, the only way for it to be reversed is if the victim kisses their love. You do know who Mr. Potter is in love with, yes?"
I didn't expect the answer that came from Hermione's lips.
"Well... I have a hunch, though Harry never told me directly..."
"Who is it, then?"
My breath caught.
"Draco Malfoy."
"Oh, then, get Mr. Malfoy here immediately."
"Oh... Okay."
Hermione's footsteps echoed through the room.
Immediately, Madame Pomfrey gripped my shoulder, making my eyes open with a small gasp.
"I knew you were awake. Is it true you're in love with Mr. Malfoy?" Madame Pomfrey asked.
I blushed furiously.
"No! It isn't! I have no idea what she's talking about, I swear!"
And, at that moment, the burning in my stomach flared.
I hissed, my hands flying to my abdomen as somebody entered the infirmary.
I couldn't see them, however, as my eyes were squeezed shut.
"Granger... Let go of me!"
My eyes snapped open just as another wave of pain hit me.
"Hermione, I don't-"
The burning hit me so hard at that moment that I howled, gripping the sheets and arching my back.
"Please." I whimpered. "Make it stop...."
It unnerved me that everyone and everything was silent.
All I heard was a faint crackling and hissing from within myself, screeching in my ears.
"Stop." I felt myself say.
But I couldn't here that single word.
My eyes flew open once more, and all I could see was white, red sparking dangerously whenever I moved.
"Just... Please..."
I heard Hermione's words through the haze of pain.
Suddenly, I felt someone's lips press onto mine, and as I blinked rapidly, my vision began to clear.
The first thing I saw was moonlight skin and cornsilk hair.
Silver and lavender eyes bore into mine, seemingly caught by my gaze.
The person ripped themselves away from me with a gasp.
"Oh Merlin." They murmured.
"Malfoy?" I whispered, and he flushed pink, his eyes darting to Madame Pomfrey and Hermione.
"Can we have a moment alone?" Malfoy asked, and - albeit reluctantly - they stepped out of the infirmary.
His smile was sad and worn.
"Potter." He mumbled, and I flung my hand out, catching his wrist to pull him to me.
"Call me Harry."
And, as our tongues clashed, I heard him whisper my name against my lips.

Okay, by the way, spiritus draconis means dragon's breath in Latin, hence the name of the oneshot.
Love ya guys!

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