Godfire: Part One

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Description: Harry meets his small hometown's local demigod. (AU)

Warnings: none

Song: Golden Antlers by Glass Animals

Note: I probably will change the name of this, mainly because I couldn't come up with anything when I first published it. Suggestions are welcomed :)

Edit: ayyeee I changed it. The original name was A Protector's Gift.

Length: 1.4k words

Third Person POV

When he was first born, the locals claimed Harry Potter, the gifted son of two soldiers recently returned from war, was a demigod. He could spit fire from between his lips like a dragon, fly in the wind like a faerie, and breathe underwater as if he were mer. Lily and James Potter kept quiet about how they could do the same, as they were decedents of the respective dragon of the Nile in Egypt and a faerie duke, but Harry loved to spread the gossamer wings he inherited from his mother and breathe the white fire he inherited from his father into the world, filling the minds of the locals with dreams of patchwork faerie parties — to which Harry was more than welcome to attend — and swimming beneath white capped waves in an ocean the color of golden summer wine.

After Harry was born, Ais arrived, with her gold leaf skin and silver scaled legs, and then came Elaine, with her fingertips trailing candy colored faerie dust through the air, and emerald tipped gills that were hidden beneath a shower of ebony curls. And there were the magical Potter children, Harry and Ais and Elaine, who could fly like their mother and swim like their father and cast spells more powerful than any true faerie tribe.


Harry's eerily green eyes were trained on Elaine as she climbed the whispering tree, leaving a rainbow of fingerprints along the branches. The day was warm, like summer — in the small, almost unknown town of Kellon,    only the occasional shower of sweet, summer rain disturbed the eternal spring, due to the faeries and sprites that inhabited the woods. Harry ran his hand through the blue-tipped grass, which moved on its own accord without wind, almost purring as he felt a barrage of nature's laughter warm his cooling veins.

Of the many gifts his parents had given him, that one was his favorite — he could sing with the wind, talk to the wyrms that writhed beneath the fields of Kellon, and play games of chess with jewel toned hummingbirds. Everything had a soul, each one more eccentric than the last.

Beside him, Ais was silent, her eyes, pale gold like their father's, lost reading the invisible stars. That was her favorite gift — she could read the stars like they were pages in a book, and liked to do so often. Though she was the only Potter child that had their father's champagne eyes, she looked the most like their mother. Her skin was pale as porcelain, though threaded with actual, rippling gold, her freckles scattered across her enviously clear face like entire galaxies, and pin straight, ruby red hair that was sheered off right before her shoulders. She was the middle child, almost sixteen years old. Harry himself was eighteen, while little Elaine was but eleven.

"Ais," Harry said softly, his layered voice causing the grass to bend. "What are you reading?"

When he spoke, her eyes went dark as amber. "I don't know, for once," she said gravely. "It seems like one of us is to meet good fortune, and another luck darker than night."

"Or maybe they're one in the same," Harry mused, and Ais didn't respond.

When he looked up, he found Elaine's hazel eyes boring into his, her hands on his shoulders.

He batted her hands aside. "You'll ruin my blouse!" he exclaimed, fussing at the stains that were already setting in.

She only laughed. "So vain, brother." Suddenly, her mood went black. "However, there is something beyond the woods, Harry, that calls your name. Not Harry, no, but rather your true name. Nobody is supposed to know your true name but the faerie queen, and I'm afraid that is who calls upon you."

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