Wicked Truth

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Description: Neville, Ginny, Padma, Luna, Cho, Pansy, Blaise, Draco, Hermione, Dean, Seamus, Ron, and Harry play a drinking game that involves Veritaserum (Harry's POV)

Warnings: None

Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth and Meghan Trainor

Length: 1.4k words

Harry's POV

I swirled the drink in my hand, watching as the amber liquid sloshed over the rim.
Ron sat to my left, talking animatedly with Hermione, while a glum looking Ginny sat to my right.
I turned to her.
"What's wrong?" I questioned, taking a small sip of my drink.
She shrugged.
"I just... How do you ask someone out?"
I blinked at her, then responded sheepishly with,
"Well, you see... I'm not really sure. The only times I ever asked someone out were during the Yule Ball and..."
"And what?"
I stayed silent.
But, in my mind, I was adding,
When I also asked Cedric to the Yule Ball in secret... And he accepted.
After my date had decided to go back to her common room, and Cho decided to do the same, Cedric and I danced for hours, with only the band, Hagrid, Neville, and Ginny as company.
That was the day Neville had tearily confessed to being gay to Ginny.
After a moment of silence, I shook my head and sighed.
"Ah... Never mind. Do you want to start a game of Wicked Truth?" I asked.
"Wicked Truth?"
"It's a game where- You know what, I'll explain it when you gather everybody." Before she could reply, I stood and drifted across the room to where Luna stared dreamily at the dancers.
"This is one great party." She whispered.
I nodded in agreement.
"Yeah. It is."
Who knew a small get together organized surprisingly by Ron could go so well?
"Anyway, Luna, do you want to play Wicked Truth?" I blurted, and she smiled.
"Yeah, sure, Harry. I'm assuming Ginny is also gathering people?"
She shot a pointed look at the ginger haired girl, who was ushering people to the center of the Room of Requirements.
"She is."
And, without responding, she drifted towards the growing group.
"Come on, Harry!" Ginny called, and I joined them, sitting on the floor.
There was a moment of silence before I broke it.
"Does anybody know how to play Wicked Truth?" I asked, but nobody said a single word. "Okay, well, in that case... Basically, there would be a shot of alcohol combined with Veritaserum in front of you. We get a hat and fill it with a bunch of questions. The first person to go picks a random question from the hat and takes a shot of Veritaserum before reading it aloud and answering. Any questions?"
Neville tentatively waved.
"Er, Harry... How do we get Veritaserum?"
Murmurs echoed through the room, and I grinned.
I pulled a small flask from within my robes and cast a multiplying charm on it, handing one out to everyone in the group.
Hermione conjured vodka and some shot glass.
"They'll refill themselves." She said before waving her wand at the glasses.
"Just add a drop." I then explained.
Everyone added a drop to their shots, and Seamus placed his hat at the center of the circles before pulling pieces of paper and pencils our of his satchel.
He passed them out, and said,
"Write two or three."
After everyone placed their questions in the hat, I mixed it up, and selected one.
I took a shot, then said,
"Who was your first real crush on?"
Giggles erupted from the crowd.
"Cedric." I blurted, and Cho's laughter went silent, as with the rest of the group.
There was a moment of stillness before Ron took a slip of paper out of the hat and took a tentative shot.
"If you had to kill one person in the room apart from you, who would you kill?" He read aloud, and blushed wildly. "Sorry, but Malfoy, obviously."
Malfoy was in the room?
Almost by instinct, my eyes darted around the room till my gaze rested on Draco Malfoy, who was sitting in the circle beside Luna and Pansy.
Pansy picked a question and took a shot.
"If you had to kiss one person in the circle, who would you kiss?" Her face went completely read as she struggled to not say the answer. "H-hermione."
Hermione, who was talking to Ron, went silent and blushy.
Draco reached over elegantly and took a question before grasping his shot and sipping it daintily.
"Who is your boggart of?"
Curiosity smoldered in my chest as I watched him shift, clearly uncomfortable.
"I... Uh..."
He bit his lip, and I blushed, looking away.
He whispered.
I whipped my head towards him, raising my eyebrows
"My boggart is of you."
The conversations around us went silent.
I stared at him quizzically, completely shocked.
"You're afraid of... Me?"
He shook his head wildly.
"No, not of you, of-"
"My turn!" Luna interrupted cheerfully, and plucked a question from the hat.
As she read it aloud, my thoughts drifted, but I was quickly ripped away from somebody when Hermione said my name.
"Harry," she said, motioning at the hat. "It's your turn."
I blushed.
"Oh... Okay."
I grabbed a dare and read it in my mind.
If you had to kiss one guy in the group, who would you kiss?
I felt my face heat up, and I blinked rapidly.
"If you had to kiss one guy in the group, who would you kiss?"
Immediately, almost everyone in the group burst into laughter.
"Well?" Pansy sneered as she crossed her arms. "Who is the lucky guy?"
"Draco." I blurted, and blushed furiously as the silver haired, gray eyed boy blinked.
"... Oh." He said softly.
There was a moment of tense silence before Draco reached towards the hat.
"Wait." Pansy said, and stopped his hand.
"It isn't your turn."
"Yeah, and? Can't I go anyway?"
"Well, I'm sure Ron wants to-"
"No. I don't." Ron interrupted, and Draco shrugged, picking a question.
"Well, there you go." He said before reading the question to himself.
He visibly paled.
"What? Spit it out." Blaise snapped.
"I... Um... If you had to screw one person in the group, who would it be?"
Ron snickered beside me.
"Obviously it's Pansy." He murmured, and I couldn't help but feel a strange surge of unexpected jealousy.
Draco mumbled something under his breath.
"Huh?" Pansy said.
"I said, I'd want to screw Harry." He said, and stood abruptly, fleeing the room.
I stared after him, completely shocked.
"Well," Luna said dreamily, looking at the Gryffindor common room door. "there's the reason this game is called Wicked Truth... Harry? You should go after him."
And, so, I did.

I found Draco in the hall.
He had pressed his back against the wall, and his head was in his hands.
"Draco." I said softly, and he jerked, blinking up at me.
"Come to taunt me?" He sneered.
I shook my head, and sat beside him.
He didn't move.
"Do you really want to screw me?"
There was a moment of silence before he broke it.
We looked at each other in silence.
"Well..." I cleared my throat.
"Well what?"
"I think... I think I'd like that."
"Screwing you."
Suddenly, his face was scarlet.
"Oh." He replied, his voice soft.
It seemed as if he were a thousand times closer than when I had first sat down.
"Do you want to see?" I asked suddenly.
"See what?"
"What it would be like."
He was silent for a short moment.
"See what what would be like?"
At that, he exhaled sharply.
"Oh. I thought you were gonna say..."
"Yeah. That."
"Anyway..." I cleared my throat again. "Do you want to try it? Kissing?"
I didn't know where the sudden boldness was coming from.
He nodded slowly, and turned to me.
"Well?" He said. "Go on."
And I did.
Our lips connected, and I melted beneath his fingers, which were pressed against the area below my ribcage.
"Oh, Merlin..." I whispered, but was silenced by the firm press of his mouth.
His tongue scraped the roof of my mouth before tickling the inside of my cheeks.
Though - admittedly - I enjoyed letting myself be ignited by his touch, I craved for me to light him up like a forest fire.
So, I disconnected our lips, and travelled lower to suck on his exposed collarbone.
"Oh." He gasped, and tilted his head.
I pressed him up against the wall, and straddled him, nibbling on the area of skin below his collarbone.
"I love you, Harry Potter." He suddenly gasped, gripping my hair as I began to unbutton his shirt. "And that's the wicked truth."

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