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Description: Draco gets asked by the new potions professor what Amortentia smells like to him, and Harry, who became his close friend after the war, is curious as well. (Draco's POV)

Warnings: Can cliché be a warning?

Note: For Yuri!!! On Ice fans, don't be angry that the In Regards to Love: Agape up above isn't the original... I couldn't find the original on YouTube

Song: In Regards to Love: Agape from Yuri!!! On Ice

Length: 750 words

Draco's POV

My eyes are on Harry as he enters the room.
Well, aren't they always?
Today, his hair is tousled, the ebony curls brushing against his ears. His emerald green eyes sparkle with equal parts humor, most likely because of the open book he cradles in his hands.
Last summer, he got into reading, and always carries around at least one book with him.
My face flushes red with embarrassment as he looks up at me.
He grins, immediately sliding into the seat next to me.
"Hey, Draco." He says, nudging me.
I feel a soft blush tinge the ends of my ears pink.
"Hi, Harry." I manage to murmur before our potions teacher begins to speak.
"Alright, class." Professor Redd, our new potions professor, claps her hands together once, startling me out of my stupor.
I steal one last glance at Harry before directing my attention towards the professor.
"Can anybody tell me what Amortentia is?"
Timidly, I raise my hand.
"Yes, Mr. Malfoy?"
"Amortentia is the strongest love potion there is, and is illegal, as it causes the victim to obsess over the person that gave the potion to them."
"What else?"
"Well..." I hesitate, glancing at Harry before continuing. "It smells differently to each person depending on what attracts them."
Professor Redd beams before hovering her hand over the cauldron on her desk.
"Very good. Now, can you please come up here?"
Immediately, I stiffen, but stand anyway, quickly walking to the front of the room.
"This," She announces, placing a fingertip on the edge of the dark cauldron. "is Amortentia. Of course, it is illegal, which is why you will not be making it, but rather studying it." She then turns to me. "Mr. Malfoy, can you tell me what it smells like to you?"
I flush scarlet before leaning forward and taking a whiff of the love potion.
Various scents drift from the lavender concoction, making me sigh with delight.
"Paper," I say, almost as if I'm in a trance. "and ink."
"Anything else?"
"Mint, vanilla. and..."
Harry's cologne.
I straighten, completely silent, and stalk back to my seat, drawing a curious look from Professor Redd before she hesitantly continues speaking about Amortentia.
Immediately, Harry leans in close to me.
"So," He sighs, his warm breath fanning out over my cheek, causing chills to shoot down my spine. "what was the last thing you smelled?"
"None of your business." I snap, and he falls silent, shooting me an unreadable look before returning to the book in his lap.
One by one, Professor Redd calls people up to smell the potion, eventually calling on Harry.
"Mr. Potter?" She calls, and he jerks, his eyes darting from his book to the front of the room.
"Come up and tell us what you smell, please."
Instead of hesitating, to my surprise, Harry stays silent, following the potions master's directions.
When he gets to the front of the room, he inhales the fumes of the Amortentia with a slight sigh.
"Fresh linens, lavender, lily, and..." His words falter.
"Yes?" The professor says.
"And co... Perfume. And perfume."
Though I'm sure nobody else notices, I heard the slip-up.
He smells cologne.
But whose?

I drift into the corridor, lost in my thoughts.
I wonder what-
I am ripped from the group of Slytherins and Gryffindors by somebody, thrown against the wall behind a statue.
I gasp, my eyes widening.
In the darkness, I can see dark hair, and... Green eyes?
"H-Harry?" I stammer, cursing myself for the stutter.
He nods and leans into me.
My heart stutters, and I gasp slightly, covering my mouth after.
"Draco." He whispers, his breath ghosting my neck.
Goosebumps erupt on my arms.
"Do you know the last thing I smelled? I smelled your cologne."
He presses a light kiss to the area of skin behind my ear before moving away, disappearing into the corridor.
Pleasured chills shoot up my spine.
I let a smile bloom on my face before drifting away as well.

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