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Description: Harry and Draco's relationship is described from the beginning (third person)

Warnings: None

Song: This Is What You Came For by Calvin Harris and Rihanna

Length: 700 words

You'd expect Draco and Harry to get together fairly quickly, suppose after a lucky game of Spin the Bottle. At least, that's what Hermione and Pansy thought - but, as they learned over the year it took the two to finally call each other "boyfriends", relationships that spawned quickly were never truly beautiful like their's.

It began with simple things, like the two drifting towards each other for school projects or during meals. They never seemed to be far apart in the beginning of seventh year, those two. Ron believed it was because Harry saved Draco from the Fiendfyre during the Battle of Hogwarts, as did most of Gryffindor and Slytherin houses, but a select few - including Pansy and Hermione - believed it to be something other. Something rather romantic.

The second sign of their feelings towards each other was the touching. Now, gripping somebody's shoulder or clasping their hand after a good game of Quidditch was not uncommon for friends, but the intimate, small touches shared between Draco and Harry seemed to be something completely other. The way Draco brushed Harry's elbow, the way their fingers would occasionally intertwine, and the moments when Harry would turn to whisper something to Draco, brushing his nose against the silver haired Slytherin's cheek, thus sending chills down both of their arms... That was something beautiful.

The third sign was the looks. Oh, those sneaky looks. Mischievous glances shared as professors rattled on, staring battles during supper, rapid blinking when their gazes caught as they talked, the sneaky peaks they would each take when they thought the other wasn't looking... That was something great. Quite intimate, and, frankly, embarrassing to be caught doing. However, neither Hermione nor Pansy said anything to Draco or Harry about those not so secret looks shared between them. That was supposed to be a hidden thing, despite being not so hidden after all.

Soon, it wasn't rare to find the two's hands curled around the other's, or to find them glued hip to hip wherever they sat. It was just a thing people found normal. Draco and Harry, a pair. If you invited one to an event, you invited both. They didn't really seem to be separate people, anymore. The two did that annoying couple thing that didn't really seem like a couple thing as they talked. When speaking, Draco or Harry would say "us" instead of "I", and never was it "me." Draco and Harry, something wonderful.

Nothing romantic sparked between them at the moment, at least, nothing that the students of Hogwarts noticed. Friendly was the word to describe the moments when Draco would sit between Harry's legs and let the black haired boy braid flowers and buttons into his shoulder length hair. Platonic was the word used to describe the moments when Harry would lay his head on Draco's lap and rant about the day, moving his hands in rapid fire motions that only Draco seemed to be able to follow. And though everyone else believed this to be a quirk of their friendship, Pansy and Hermione were convinced it was something rather romantic.

Soon, the two began to show rather romantic affection in public - kisses on blushing cheeks, gripping the other's ass at moments when they believed nobody to be watching, pressing fingers down bared sides and arched spines. Nobody but Pansy and Hermione seemed to notice the way a blush spread across Draco's cheekbones whenever he noticed Harry's shirt riding up on his stomach. Nobody else seemed to notice the way one's eyes always seemed to be on the other. Nobody else seemed to notice the violet bruises Harry attempted to hide beneath his shirt collar. Nobody else seemed to notice that little something blooming into a bigger something.

So, when the two's lips finally connected and they declared each other to be boyfriends, the entirety of Hogwarts had been shocked. However, when Draco and Harry told Pansy and Hermione a day before everyone else, they shared a secret smile - for they had recognized the something even before it was noticed by Draco and Harry.

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