Unlikely Roommates

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Description: In a wizarding world where your Hogwarts house is determined by an imaginative - albeit strange - test, Harry and Draco are surprised to find themselves placed in certain houses... And with certain roommates. (Harry and Draco's POV) (Based off of Divergent)

Warnings: Just pretend Luna and Ginny are in the same year as Harry and Draco.

Song: When the Darkness Comes by Colbie Caillat

Length: 2.1k words

Draco's POV

My breath fogs out in front of me. I reach out and watch curiously as a wisp of fog weaves between my fingers, forming something similar to a web.
I blink furiously at the golden sand beneath my feet.
Choose one.
It states, and I frown.
Choose one of what?
However, when I look up, I find four, weaving paths ahead of me.
One heads into a dark forest that wreathes with tangles of vines and ivy, while another drops off into a turquoise sea. Another one is lined with large stones, leading to a gray fortress that looms against violet mountains, while the final heads into a garden blooming with exotic flowers.
I tentatively step onto the path that leads to the sea, and jump back with a shout as the path folds in on itself, dropping me into a forest shrouded with darkness.
When I look down, I find those words once more drawn into the dirt.
Choose one.
I jerk my head up.
Ahead of me, two people stand.
One is a strangely familiar weeping woman, her head in her hands as a figure with a gleaming dagger looms behind her. The other is an elderly man trapped inside an iron cage, repeatedly beating on the metal while howling.
My lips thinning, I step towards the elderly man and eye the obviously weak lock on the side, sliding a pin out of my bun before jamming it into the hole.
The door falls open, and the clearing is covered by a cloak of darkness.
I blink rapidly, clearing something that feels like dust from my eyes.
When the dust has finally cleared, I scan the area, taking in my surrounding.
Two people sit on the sand of the beach I had tried to get to before, focused on the sand structures beneath their palms.
Sand castles?
One of the people is a small child, obviously frustrated as she tries to build up her tiny sand tower, while the other is an older woman, her tongue peaking out from between her lips as she determinedly carves away at her gorgeous structure.
Knowing the obvious decision, I step towards the elder woman.
She glances up at me.
"Oh, you. Can you grab some wet sand? I'm almost done here, but I need some more to structure the castle." She says.
I glance at her castle.
Seeing it is crumbling, I walk to the water and scoop up some sand, depositing it beside her.
She smiles up at me.
"Thank you."
I give a shout of surprise as the liquid gold sand gives out beneath my feet.
When I finally gather the courage to open my eyes, I see that I am in the garden.
There are three paths, all leading to different, intriguing locations.
The first leads to a circle of flowers, each flower colored and shaped differently, while the second leads to a peculiar tree dripping with golden coins. The last path leads to a gray, stone fountain that churns with a dark, mirror-like liquid.
I step into the clearing with the fountain and sit on its edge, leaning in close.
I stare at my wavering reflection in the liquid, crying out as my hand slips from the stone surface and I tumble, tumble...
When my eyes open, I'm standing in darkness.
I pull out my wand and murmur lumos.
When the bright light breaks the eternal night, I am met with the image of two people.
One has dark skin, their hair black and tousled, while the other is as pale as milk, their hair auburn ringlets.
And, somehow, I know everything about each person.
The raven haired boy is a doctor, a healer, who cares for dangerous magical creatures. He has a few friends, but all of them are trustworthy and loyal, and he only wishes to marry his girlfriend.
The other - the redhead - is quite different. He is a scholar, and spends most of his time perfecting the cure for cancer. He has many friends, though only one of them is true, and he has many wishes, including fame, fortune, and love.
Both of them turn grayer by the minute.
But who to save?
Immediately, I am drawn to the raven haired boy, with his love of anything that breathes and his humility.
When I touch his hand, I am once more sucked into darkness.

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