the district sleeps alone tonight (and i was the one worth leaving)

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looks like i'm staying on the 2v. Thanks for waving that over my head for a while.

They say the best way to rip a bandage off is to take it all at once but this, I'd been going at this for a long time, peeling it off around the edges with every pound I gained and every mediocre performance. 

I've gone up 20 pounds over the course of this year

No one can convince me that it's muscle.

If anyone out there is conscious about their weight I apologize and I promise it has nothing to do with you, weight is just another thing I flagellate myself about. It's a number.

Numbers fucking dominate my life. 

Anyways, despite how ominous that sounded, I'm actually alright. Been listening to The Postal Service (put a link up there to my favorite song for a few days), going to write for a few hours. The plan's to update tomorrow, and then from then on out, I hope to update my stories once a week. 

Speaking of such, I really, really, really, really, REALLY REALLY REALLY want to write the Amalgam story. and put it up here. It's kind of got some violent themes though...? Like I know most Chrona fare is a little on the dark side (Nat and Aislyn's relationship, Aislyn in general, Red's psychological torture, Ashley's PTSD, the massacre of entire universes, the ending of TCHF) but this is another level. The characters start broken and end broken. One of them in particular is a little test-y with descriptions of abusive relationships (she can't feel love but has the power of charmspeak), another is lacking in the ability to feel remorse and has done some pretty terrible shit because of it, and then Red's just. Oh god Red.  I don't want to write a story that's completely unreadable? Or you know, get flamed off the website,

have i mentioned i've been paranoid about getting flamed off a website for years now? legitimately one of the biggest reasons i haven't moved to tumblr. 

but these kids are also all i think about

as for my other books, in terms of content: 

tsbs is pretty tame, wtrb is what you'd expect out of warriors, and deja vu is just a fun time. as for extraordinary one of the reasons i can't go on with it is because I keep running into Real Life Parallels/Consequences and then I have to backtrack and rewrite EVERYTHING so I don't end up stuck preaching unintentional lessons, stereotypes, or writing a subject I'm not experienced enough to take on

mmmmmmmmm watcha say

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