Out to Launch

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So! As you all might have noticed, I had six hours to write yesterday and blew half of them to talking to people, about a third on this book, and alotted the rest to sleep. I actually did write my daily goal of 2000 words yesterday, in fact, I'd say my final count was ~4000k not counting the 4.5k I spent talking about the auxiliary kiddos, but half of it was on my daily writings and the other half wasn't enough to finish the Deja Vu chapter I've been working on. Not even close- I'd say this first chapter's probably going to hit 4k, and that's being conservative.

The problem here is that I have a math test this week, AP testing in a few weeks, a seven-page math paper due next week, projects in several other classes, and states for Crew on Saturday. Then next week, I have an out-of-state regatta, so I won't even be here Thursday through Saturday. I really want to update, and I think my hiatus has provided valuable time for introspection and planning, but May is hell on me and I don't want to up those stress levels any further.
The first chapters of Deja Vu are also the exposition chapters and they're necessary but I get the feeling we all want to jump straight into the action (the preview chapter from Avery's (second art book) is Adam-2) so... would everyone be okay with getting the first four updates at once in a block, but later? Or would you rather have bits and pieces sooner?

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