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Ok send this around the community because i'm trying to be more active but I want to compile a list because a lot of books I used to read have not been updated in months. 

I'm looking for some books to read.

I can't guarantee I'll read everything but I'll definitely at least take a look. I do give quite long constructive comments so if you're looking for help with that I'd love to assist. Also if I've already promised I'll read your stuff and haven't, it's probably still on my list but my life is kind of insane so it may have been buried in my bookmarks list? I apologize and feel free to tug my sleeve a bit. That said, limitations here...

-Again, I can't promise I'll get to everything. Mutuals take priorities but I'm also going to be choosy with the longer works I pick out.

-if you nag me incessantly i'm not reading your book either that sleeve tug thing was literally just that. also expect me to take a while

-I LOVE original fic and if you have any GIVE IT TO ME. That said I do like fanfiction as well but will only read it for fandoms I'm in because otherwise I don't know what kind of advice to give

-if your book is based on a gimmick ('short' story format/choose your own adventure/etc.) i'm sorry but i'm giving it a pass from the get-go

-please don't send me trollfics 

-I'll also take suggestions for books that other people have written that you think are cool

-this isn't as serious of a thing as I'm making it out to be and will be done in small increments please don't come after me wondering where I went

that said fire away 

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