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I finished The Cities Have Fallen (II) yesterday morning in a 8000-word dead sprint which is why I haven't updated. The Saturday regatta also took it out of me and then I also had this math test to study for and all and all let's just say I've been pretty busy. I will say though that the end of The Cities Have Fallen is one heck of a ride. I'll also say that it's probably only going to make sense to people who've been following the series because... it's a sequel... but I'm probably going to drop counts for it anyways.

Not that that matters given my current reads on all my chapters are like 3 apiece. I love living ::::::::::)

also speaking of TCHF Wolf Parade might be my new go-to band for specifically writing TCHF related things and I was doing some doodles after finishing. This is a very brief sketch but I might go back and re-draw it sometime 

 This is a very brief sketch but I might go back and re-draw it sometime 

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i haven't been posting my art here in literally forever. i do think a dev journal would be fun for 1.5K because it might actually encourage me to post art, which I've been doing a lot of, but i also have other plans for 1.5k. Could just do both?
Also if you were to hypothetically choose would everyone be more interested in a shortform text-based novel with no reader reaction (don't panic, I'm not going trendy on you all-- it's a deliberate stylistic choice and it's interspersed with longform prose) or something akin to a choose your own adventure where the audience are active participants in the story itself by means of a haunted interdimensional Ouija board? 

i'm absolutely willing to talk about both these projects 

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