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So I've been a little stressed about my books lately which has been covered by how stressed I've been about *everything else* but I really do want to do a project or two that's pure fun instead of being relentlessly heavy and stressful. I'm probably not hitting 1.5K any time soon but I want to do one of these anyways soooooo... as an audience, which would you be more interested in seeing?

-Chat-based novel interspersed with longer prose segments detailing the journey of three authors who find out their stories are interlinked. None of them have ever met outside of the Internet before but once they find out that each of them is now part of this greater "story", they must work together to bring their protagonists together and ensure the story has a happy ending. Essentially it's a spoof on Wattpad with some mixed urban fantasy elements because Chrona is writing it. 


WordThread Conversation Between UrielOfAgnant and Neofictitious on 8/9/16 at 20:05

UrielOfAgnant: I by no means intend to be rude but I must inform you that I recently found your story "Seacaller" and it is very clear that you have stolen my idea.
Neofictitious: who even are you
UrielOfAgnant: I'm a fellow author on this site--may I note, a member of some notability. I'm best known for my work on the "Gemini" duology and following companion novel.
Neofictitious: that's not what I meant it was a rhetorical question
Neofictitious: And I didn't steal your book and have no idea what you're talking about?
Neofictitious: on an unrelated note a duology and a companion novel is just a trilogy which you should have considered before you named your series
UrielOfAgnant: I didn't contact you to insult you.
Neofictitious: It appears to me like that's exactly what you did?
UrielOfAgnant: Stop playing coy with me. There is no way you could have thought of the exact same name for your world as I did and the same general concept of a world separated into castes according to climate.
Neofictitious: oh what it wasn't like a character premise or something it was worldbuilding
Neofictitious: So I guess this is like a Pokémon and Digimon deal where they're obviously not even close but everyone keeps comparing them right? 
UrielOfAgnant: What's Digimon?
Neofictitious: You disgust me.
UrielOfAgnant: I know, given that you've copied *my original works*, that you're probably a troll, but could you at least pretend to be professional about this?
Neofictitious: We are on a website for thirteen year olds.
Neofictitious: Whatever. The book I "borrowed from" was The Storm's Eye, right?
UrielOfAgnant: So it would be.
Neofictitious: funny story! you appear to have put it up a day after mine.
UrielOfAgnant: Are you accusing me of stealing ideas?
Neofictitious: watch out. the tables have turned
Neofictitious: heavy tables
Neofictitious: sharp corners
Neofictitious: and I'm turning them
UrielOfAgnant: What's your angle?
Neofictitious: hey man you contacted me
(UrielOfAgnant has stopped the thread. Have a nice day!)


-Choose-your-own adventure urban fantasy... alright, not entirely. Think of this less as choose YOUR own adventure and more of canonical reader intervention by way of Ouija board, that is, both worlds are intertwined to the point where it's assumed the characters are getting your feedback. Anyways, The End Of The World Begins With Us is about three teenagers-- Cain, Toby, and Luka-- during the middle of an apocalypse where reality itself has begun to break down. Technology no longer functions correctly, animal populations and tides seethe and withdraw seemingly at random, temperatures are erratic, and certain individuals are manifesting strange new powers. Whether it is the ability to bend fortune to one's advantage, an affinity for finding paths where there should be none, or a connection to the Internet in an age where it seems more like a cryptic being than a series of numbers, all three of the protagonists find themselves at the center of this world's designs. 

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