be sure to kiss your knuckles before you punch me in the face

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things that happened today in no particular order:

-spent my entire free morning in the fucking hospital getting an ultrasound and they still don't know what's wrong with me 

-got snubbed multiple times by the Cool Kids at crew because of course I did 

-had my mother rat me out for a good twenty minutes about how shitty some application for a camp i wanted to do was and then had her try to "fix it up" again 

-haven't updated (okay so i'm going to try to fix that one in a few minutes here but still i had no time today) 

-it turns out we're going to canada friday so now i have to go to school tomorrow

-i asked this friend of mine why he hadn't responded to me on any social media for a week and he literally told me to my face he plans to continue ignoring me with that smug smile on his face

like falling down a set of stairs but socially, physically, and emotionally

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