late night chronaverse facts

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Some facts about the Chronaverse. If you don't know who these people are you are not alone and I am very sorry? I'm sure you'll recognize someone, if not, go read my books. Anyways I'll keep away from the really shady aux shit but I will include facts about the development of my books as well as factoids from my Warriors fanfictions as well as the Hearts of Gold trilogy, which are "Chronavese lite".

also some of these get mentioned in the book itself but most are meta stuff so (also I'm going to try to steer clear of spoilers)

-Spritz and Snow Hare (Double Rainbow) still exist in the retconned TSBS universe. Spritz meets Snow Hare earlier and either stays to preserve her legacy when she is taken by Obsidians or she's not taken at all, because I don't know how Obsidian raids would even be a thing in the TSBSverse. The Auspicia would have known because she's actually competent now.

-The title 'Auspicia' refers to both the condition of being auspicious (because in many ways the Auspicia really IS favored by the gods and in other ways she is.... really, really not) and then, from the same root, auspexes or augurs, Ancient Roman priests who used birds to tell the future. There are no native 'bird' species in Dreamland, but there's a lot of symbolism that comes explicitly from wings and auspexism in the Chronaverse also often refers to ties between two beings across worlds. 

-Empaths in Dreamland are caused by too much magic in the body, usually an overflow of soul magic. This is why Rose and Daisy are not all that powerful, their sister received most of the soul energy at birth. This magic doesn't correlate at all to the mind or heart, so while an empath might be magically gifted, they don't usually develop these talents and instead 'implode' under the weight of their own gift. They do not literally explode, but are notoriously unstable and fate has a way of picking them off. Empaths are called such because their high magic affinity overwhelms them and gives them the ability to detect where the emotions of other Sentient beings pull the magical field, so they are able to sense emotions through scents, visions, and auditory hallucinations.

-The opposite, a Sentient with too little magic, would die under normal circumstances. However, Dreamland's field is also ten times more dense than most planets, so when fighting off-world, you do get Sentients who will exhaust so much magical energy that none is able to power their reasoning skills and they will be unable to think clearly. There are more extreme reactions, such as losing one's mind, but this also leads Sentients to try to work diplomacy before resorting to violence.

This is  also one of the many reasons no one wants to be off-world. Another large one would be that if you die, you don't get into any of the three afterlives. 

-Sentients are not inherently reasoning in the way that most beings are. While they do have a brain and similar basic biology to most species on Earth, their mind and magical ability both stem from manipulation of the magical field- this is why personality effects magic, and vice versa. This is also why they are able to undergo drastic change from generation to generation. As for their physical forms, blood, bones, horns, and wings are the best conduits of this magical energy (hence why Canii have horns to begin with), though not necessarily in that order.

-Almost every background character in The Space Between Stars has some kind of history I tried in vain to fit into this book.

-Nina is on Agatou's heartline.

-I select music for most of my characters and give many of them unique music tastes, often down to bands. I know I've mentioned this before but seriously hit me up I am thirsty to talk about the music taste of fictional characters and how certain songs interact with their narrative arcs. 

-There are a few sets of characters with the same name. Ivy Eudica (Roses and Thorns) and Ivy the dragon (Luminous) are one pair, Rose Eudica (Roses and Thorns), Rose the Togetic (Broken Souls), and Roseglade (Where The River Bends) are another. Then there's the two Reds but I couldn't change the name of the Red for the HoG trilogy and Amalgam Red refused to relinquish his. 

-Lotus dies around the same time Ace is born, so there's a good chance that they're heartlines. Make of this what you will?

-Those who read Hearts of Gold and haven't blocked it from their memory might remember that Bronze used honorifics for Ashley when he was a Cyndaquil. That was 100% my cringe-y seventh grade writing, but it's still canon that Bronze is a reformed weeaboo. He doesn't like to talk about it.

-Reginae and Bronze (Hearts of Gold trilogy) fight primarily in jest. They respect each other and have long since gotten over the drama of Ashley's other starter.

-Several of the older cats in Where The River Bends, including Swiftspring and Skycrest, are related. The clans are only three to four generations old, which is why there's a profound lack of regulation to keep them from beating the living daylights out of each other.

-I have a grand total of one OC from Ceilvyr which is why it never comes up. It'll be developed in time but right now it's one of those things I have to gloss over.

-Ceilvyr is pronounced kyle-ver. The other two play out how you think they would, just keep in mind all the vowels in 'Evelsca' are short.

-Twitch in The Cities Have Fallen Retold/The Castle Has Fallen (really doesn't have the same ring, does it? I'm working on it.) is wearing Gash's bandana. Not TGD Gash- TSBS Gash. Gash is still canon but he's a background character who is one of the first to get bitten when the Plague rolls around. Unsurprising.

-All the DragonClan books take place on a different timeline. The universe of Vengeance is different from the universe of Thin Ice which is different from the universe of Ashleap's Fall. No lie. (Note that the black fox is real in Vengeance, indisputably, but a myth in Ashleap's Fall.) The DragonClan timeline is fractured as all hell. You can save yourself several hours of your time and a migraine by not reading those books at all. They are old and being kept up primarily for personal reasons.

-Where The River Bends is the only Chronaverse book (besides Fandomstuck) with no connections to anything in the Chronaverse whatsoever. Everything else is tied in there somehow. You just have to squint. 

-I actually have no idea how well Amanda can draw. It's unclear if she's "10 year old anime imitation" or "literal god tier art with superb realism, style, and color" and it is meant to be kept ambiguous. However, what isn't ambiguous is that Amanda believes in herself and her future more than anyone else and I like to believe that will get here there in the end.

-If Dill hadn't evolved into Vaporeon, he would have become Espeon or Umbreon, not Leafeon. On one hand, the pickle joke is good, but on the other, max happiness. I mean... it is DIll we're talking about.

-Toxis and Nina from Broken Souls are biologically siblings. His removal from the timeline caused her to be born. 

I'm sure I have more but it's nearly midnight and I think I'm coming down with something. i'm like three days behind on writing QvQ that said thanks for the comments guys it means a lot

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