Chronaverse Q and A (Answers on next chapter)

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(Various shuffling sounds can be heard.)

Dill: *tap tap* Is this working?

Orcafin: It's not a microphone, it's the fourth wall. What you mean to say is "Is it open?"

Dill: If I can't see anything, how am I supposed to know if it's open?

Iris: I think we can safely assume it's open right now.

Dill: Do we want to take any chances after last time...?

Fyera: Okay, last time was entirely Orca's fault.

Orcafin: Bull.

Fyera: Thank goodness it WAS closed though. Otherwise, he would've flown right through-

Aislyn: Ehem.

Dill: We got it open! 

Aislyn: And you were just railing off while the fourth wall was open?

Bronze: Hey, hey, go easy on him. He's excited. Anyways, the honor's all yours, bud.

Dill: Awwww yeah! Anyways, hi! You might know me, err, or you might not know me? I'm from another dimensi-

Bronze: We're from a book. A book published on this website.

Lilly: A really good book.

Rune: Series of really good books.

Evan: Series of really outdated books. Now, if you're looking for quality, we're still in progress but-

Aislyn: EHEM.

Evan: cool your jets

Dill: Aaaaanyways, the author is currently on vacation. She didn't actually put us in charge or anything, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume this is probably okay as long as we don't get caught. That is to say... uh... we're doing a Q and A where we answer all your questions about the Chronaverse! You can ask about anyone or anything, dead or alive, addressed to anyone, in any universe, fanfiction or otherwise. This includes characters who haven't appeared in stories yet.

Orcafin: 'Course, we have to lay down a few ground rules. First, no spoilers. Second, we reserve the right to not respond to things. Third, nothing explicit. 

Mimsy: I'm preeeetty sure our readers are above that.

West: You don't have any readers.

Mimsy: At least I'm getting an actual book. :3c

Indy, far in the background: OH BURN

Orcafin: Sorry, they're all incompetent. Anyways, ask away about any of our worlds or about any of us.

Dill: Or Chrona.

Aislyn: We're not allowed to talk about the author, are we...?

Dill: We're not not allowed to do it.

Aislyn: You guys are going to be in so much trouble when she gets back. 

Dill: Technically there was no rule against it?

Evan: I second that let's talk bad about her behind her back

Orcafin: Just write your questions down below and we'll start responding once we get anything to respond to. 

Dill: Thanks!

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