chronaverse wyd this

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(So I know I put up an "update" tonight and then when everyone looked for it it was just gone. What really happened was that I wanted to write about certain opinions I hold because that's what people do on here but I don't want to offend anyone, really, and to be honest if I'm going to talk about certain opinions of mine I want to be able to back them up instead of just going "hey it's my book you can leave" because that seems really lazy. I dunno man.) 

let's talk about something less awful

don't do worldbuilding kids 

Anyways I have this thing I do where I nitpick my own worldbuilding and end up accidentally linking all my universes together so if anyone is keeping up with large sections of my original stories or even my fanfictions you've probably heard a few of these tossed around. I don't know how many I've mentioned in previous stories/chapters of my art book but here are just some general facts about the Chronaverse you may or may not know.

(If you haven't been keeping up with the terminology and don't know what I'm talking about  I can explain things but it might take a while).

-Avery is the first member of her heartline.

-Sentients who are born off-world can't have wings or other limbs/psuedolimbs because they are biologically hardwired to have four and can only create structures like wings in utero because of the magically infused biosphere of Dreamland.

-Sentients who die off-world also don't go onto the afterlife at all.

-On a similar note Sentients can only crossbreed with dragons when it comes to aliens, even when shapeshifted. Elysian dragons are treated like any other crossbred Sentient species because Elysian dragons use the same fundamental magical manipulation to cross worlds and utilize their powers as Sentients do.

-Sentient Dreamlandian species are also biologically not capable of human reasoning. Their consciousness is tied to the fabric of the universe via magical conduits, of which horns and wings are the most powerful. Their existence is manipulation of the nine elements and that's why their magic so powerfully guides their personality. They are their magic. It's one and the same. 

-The Chronaverse exists as a series of universes all stemming from essentially the same Big Bang. This means fundamental laws are the same across all universes and is also why Sentients can survive in any universe despite needing the magical fields of energy to fuel their ability to reason. They might not be as powerful as they are on Dreamland, which is a Sentient magic MAGNET, but the same rules apply throughout the multiverse to they're fine. 

-My fanfictions used to fit into the Chronaverse as a whole and can still technically be read that way. Some random shit I threw in there:

--Bronze and Lilly were a Hope x Determination (Luminous Cycle) couple, like Lotus x Vivian and Iris x Torch. Other "unofficial" Luminous couples included Ashleap/Rushcall x Pyrewing/Novastar.

There are also A Metric Fuckton in my auxiliary original works (if their powers involve light and fire that was probably the original intent).

I think it's safe to just say I really liked the archetype and figured "LET'S PUT IT IN ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL MY BOOKS" 

-Ashleap is a seraphim. Seraphim can't die unless their powers are drained and her powers essentially became the basis for the tunnels and their uncanny levels of paranatural activity in a world about fighting cats.

-The reasons for this have something to do with the instability of the dimension DragonClan resides in temporally, the canon is "fractured" which is a shitty way of explaining why the black fox is real in Vengeance and ostensibly Thin Ice but clearly a fairy tale in Ashleap's Fall.

-The legendaries in Hearts of Gold originally had powers similar to the cherubim in Deja Vu. This was before I took away the ability of Deja Vu's cherubs to see all possible timelines. 

-I honestly don't think I should be hijacking other people's intellectual properties into my bullshit multiverse I made up in fifth grade though so any Chronaverse tie-ins in my fanfictions are basically easter eggs now. 

-Orca is still probably canon just not as a Warrior in origin, I don't actually know what's going on with her right now though 

-Speaking of Deja Vu "the Veins" are the innards of a giant Ophaboros. The cherubim function similarly to white blood cells and protect the organism from threats.

-Elysian dragons are dead set on conquering other universes because they are descended from said Ophaboros.. The "pouch" in Elysian stomachs (see the final battle with Nethera, original!Double Rainbow) that looks like a chink in their armor is actually extremely sensitive skin designed to meld around and absorb power from Diosite crystals produced in the bodies of their ancestors, giving them unfathomable power. They hope to reclaim this birthright as they traverse the cosmos, assimilating other dragon "breeds" to help them in their quest.

-All Celestial Hierarchy members are usually defined by their powers in regards to how it manipulates or defies basic laws of the timeline and all have at least some number of wings. Six is considered fully divine but Ophaboros have like thirty something, because f*ck it.

-The ring on the back of Dios!Dusk is an Ophaboros ring. 

-In TSBS!canon Vivian is fighting off-world when Lotus, Nat, and Aislyn find her. The rewrite for TGD is going to be really different let me tell you 

-Aislyn is classified as a highest level threat by most universes because some of her actions in dimensions she reached before the TGD one included desperate attempts to rally Sentients against Elysium so she didn't have to deal with their bullshit. Elysium doesn't like her. This is probably 90% of the cause for the great Dragon-Sentient war right there

-There was also a universe where Astrolomeria just had one pup and though said pup didn't qualify as Hope like Lotus Aislyn was still very smitten with this singular Canis and spent thousands of worlds looking for another with the same circumstances to no avail

-One last sad fact about Aislyn/Her Highest Auspicia: she's still a seraphim and not technically a Canis and as such doesn't have a three-parted spirit. She is not capable of going onto any afterlife either. 

-The Amalgams actually used to be MORE relevant to canon but got taken out because their backstory was really really convoluted

-Most of my auxiliary original stories are relevant to greater Chronaverse canon to some extent 

-There are also dragons in Extraordinary mentioned once as twice as shapeshifters but the only relevant thing a dragon does in that book is buy a gun off the black market, give Ylva a cryptic talk, and then leave

-Evan doesn't have anything to do with dragons at all he just gets the horns, fire powers, and strength/agility because he's an edgelord with an edgy last name

-if it's a multiverse galindy is canon out there somewhere and i know that makes a certain sad, sad sack of a human being happy 

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