I Swear I Won't Update This Again Today But HEAR ME OUT OKAY

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So. TCHF is going to be updating before Christmas. The NEW TCHF. No lie. With Rena. Hope you're hyped because I am. I'm also going to get CRUX up and probably also start updating WTRB again to finish it at least? Anyways half of these books are filler city especially Amalgama (what are your opinions on libraries because Angel literally like dies over one for like 1000 words she's just like I LOVE BOOKS LET'S TALK ABOUT BOOKS AND LIBRARIES AS AN ESTABLISHMENT) and it geeks but the other two should be better because I'm pretty sure Gale (gale) stabs a man in the first chapter of TCHF and then it gets wilder from there ha ha 

Anyways being back to writing is great and I'm super happy and will also try to read over the weekends some I guess? I want to be more active in the community to give back a little because honestly I have the best fans in the world and if you're reading this I love you hmu anytime bye

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