Chronaverse Q and A

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AND HERE ARE THE ANSWERS! I do want to keep this going for future reference (again, no spoiler-y questions, but anything else is fine) so if anyone wants to ask questions on this page or the last page I'll just tag you once I've updated the page with your answer. I've also moved this chapter back so that it IS the chapter after the question page. Thank you for your questions!

~The author

jadewolf334 asks... How did the High Auspicia come to be? 

Avery: I've got the history questions! The High Auspicia (known as "The Princess" in earlier drafts, such as Double Rainbow through Roses and Thorns), monarch of Dreamland, has been around almost- but not quite- as long as Dreamland itself has. She was a seraph fashioned from Verhamera's heart, who wandered the worlds before coming to Dreamland, uniting Hope and Determination to rally against the Obsidian threat, and upon driving them back created the Veil to protect us. Along the way she was forced into the position on the advent of the death of the previous monarch.

Aislyn: That's... that's about right.

Natrina: Sounds solid to me. Of course, The Gardenkeeper's Daughters goes over this in more detail.

Nahr-Al-Arnab asks... Give a brief summary of what Dreamland and Chronaverse is in general.

Marcecee: I've got this. The 'Chronaverse' is a pet name for the multiverse all of Chrona's works appear in. Technically, the fanfictions (Warriors, Pokemon, and that weird-ass Homestuck bit) all fall under this umbrella, but due to pesky things like copyright, their stories aren't considered 'canon' to the original Chronaverse works. 

The Chronaverse has certain distinguishing features, such as a nine-element magic system that occurs throughout worlds- each element represents an element (light, fire, water, etc.), a virtue (hope, determination, love), and a fundamental aspect of reality (these are a little more complicated and still under development, but physical matter and energy waves have been established as two of them). Through these nine elements, reality itself can be manipulated by certain beings... I believe you would call this 'magic'. Another feature of the Chronaverse is the existence of celestial beings like angels or seraphim, classes of beings which have abilities like immortality or paradox detection and prevention. They're more intertwined with the very nature of the universe. Wings and horns are also often seen as symbols of divine power throughout these books, as well as the color gold or golden coloration of the irises, the latter of which represents interuniversal connection between beings.

Rena: Dreamland is the most fleshed-out world within the original sphere of the Chronaverse. It's a world that contains no humans, instead, it is populated with animals incapable of speech or thought and the reasoning Sentients, who while resembling animals, are actually highly magical beings. Sentient species each have a different way with which they interact and manipulate magic. The most populous Sentient species are Canii, who warp space, and Canira, who are elemental magicians. Dreamland is ruled by the High Auspicia, a seraph and powerful monarch, through the will of Verhamera, their goddess.

Indy: Chaos ensues.

Rena: That's what life entails, yes. 

Nahr-Al-Arnab asks... who is your favorite character you've ever written?

Gale: Me.

Orcafin: Get out.

Bronze: *raises hand*

Rena: I'm the oldest. Of course I'm her favorite.

(Okay in all honesty my favorite changes... weekly. Gale was easily my favorite for close to a year, it's been the Deja Vu cast often recently, and Axiom is another hot pick. I went through a Bronze/Lilly/Ashley phase for most of seventh and eighth grade, Dark Rainbow/Iris and Torch were my precious kids for almost as long, but it's true that there's a special place in my heart for Rena/The Auspicia due to seniority. I love all my characters for different things, though, so one favorite is hard to define.)

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