drama llamas

57 7 23

The wattpad Warriors community is beyond toxic. Half of it is just gangs of "friends" trying to report the shit out of each other and the clique-ishness has only lead to more and more infighting. 

Anywayways, some unpopular opinions I personally hold about Warriors fanfiction: 

-The series does not care about genetically accurate cats. Hence, fanfic authors do not need to care about genetically accurate cats. If you PERSONALLY want to add genetically accurate cats to your story, that is great. That is going above and beyond. If you want to get on the case of others for not following your example you are being petty.

-Breaking conventional molds (showing a kinder side to ShadowClan, subverting gendering of certain pronouns, bringing light to the treatment of disabled cats with in the series and subverting it) is a great thing to do, but it's also important that your story hold its own merit. If your story is only great because "everyone is gay", then you are not giving us a story. You are giving us tokenism and while I can't speak for the whole LGBT+ community, I personally think that we are worth more than tokenism.

-Short stories and spoofs are generally overrated, and the popularity of both is bolstered by the way the Wattpad algorithm works. They cater to both higher output and the shorter attention span of many readers and it's really easy to undercut people who put in a lot more time by doing either of these. 

-As are other gimmick-y books. I've seen them executed well but there are a hundred thousand copycats (literally) for each decent one and it's exasperating.

-As is conventional "aesthetic". 90% of it looks the same.

-However, if you go for any of the above, it is your personal right to enjoy it regardless of what my tastes are. 

-If your only issue with a story is that it's "off-canon", then you really have nothing to complain about. Winged cat stories are fine. Have a whole clan of male tortoiseshells or have everyone in the clan be different shades of LGBT+, against all odds (again, tokenism thing applies, but don't let "realism" hold you back with your representation).  What, it wouldn't work in the wild? 

You know what wouldn't work in the wild? Collaborative societies of wildcats. 

As long as you're not literally espousing murder or massive cat orgies or something else that goes against Wattpad's TOS (and most people's decency), no one cares and no one should care. 

-If you have nothing to do besides rag on young writers, you need better hobbies. It's fine to offer constructive criticism, make guides, whatever, but the harshness which young writers are often greeted with is ridiculous. Of course that story where the apprentice and the leader get together is pedophilic. Of course the 'Scourge's daughter' trope has been done to death. Of course their set up for the umpteenth Warriors crossover makes no sense in either universe. We know. 

However, when you single out people (especially on your own message board instead of commenting on their work?) or get others to spam or block them, you are not helping.

The person you just talked to probably doesn't know they did anything wrong. All they know is that someone on the internet hates their work and probably hates them.

Why would anyone EVER want to listen to whatever you have to say after a speech like that? 

-People who spend forever ragging on Starkit's Prophecy know that they won't be stopped because Starkit's Prophecy is a boogeyman. It's very cheap humor- the original story was likely written as a trollfic. You aren't 'showing up' the original author, you're not original, and unless you're Moonkitti, you're probably not funny either. 

-This should be obvious but trying to block/spam people who disagree with you politically or just disagree with you when they aren't in direct violation of the TOS is pathetic. You aren't winning a war. You're ruining someone else's fun on the internet. 

If you don't agree with anything above, I'm down for polite argument. If you have anything you personally loathe, chances are I might agree with you. Whatever happens, let's just... keep it a little civil, alright? 

there's plenty of hate going around already.

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