an update update

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Last night the plan was to get Deja Vu out but due to prior obligations that proved impossible. Currently the plan is to get out the first chapter tonight and update both of my other ongoing works before the end of the weekend. I also planned to get this update chapter up last night so you guys could know what was going on, but obviously that didn't happen either- no, the irony is not lost on me. 

I usually do this on the artbook but since this is going to be the new hub and a lot more people seem to be reading it (thanks by the way guys! Feedback has been very positive and I love talking with y'all <3) I might as well post my "rough draft" schedule right now. Once I get on a roll, this is how I plan to do things in the future. 

-Mondays: Free update*

-Wednesdays: The Space Between Stars

-Fridays: Deja Vu

-Sundays: Where The River Bends

* Well, I would like to get Extraordinary or the amalgam book but until those get planned out it's going to be a free update.

***I do have two regattas coming up which take up the whole weekend, Friday to Saturday, so I'll be going away for both. Hopefully I can queue updates before then so it doesn't disrupt the schedule.

Once I get the summer schedule set, I'll talk about that too. :)

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