inane peasantry. ridiculous folly

31 5 7

We got a day off of school due to ventilation issues and I'm finally in the mood to write but I also have my two hardest finals tomorrow and the day after that. It has been a very long day and it turns out I know next to nothing in either of these fucking classes. I can't describe the sheer amount of stress I'm under right now. I really can not fail either of these tests.

As such, I'll be out for the next two days-

who am I fucking kidding. The last update on either of my original projects was two weeks ago. No one expects shit out of me anyways.

Goddamnit. Anyways I'll be back around next week for the thirty chapters I'd need to write for catch up in order to have a queue for my camp weeks. Out of all the goals that we all know I'm not making, this is be far the most not going to happen. I won't even pretend it is. It so isn't. I have no clue what I'll be able to accomplish and for heaven's sake, I really just wanted a queue 

for ONCE in my life so I could set up consistent schedules and FINALLY start building some kind of base but fuck it. for all of you out there waiting patiently, how many people that is (i'd imagine not terribly many?) thanks 

i'll stop making these chapters eventually 

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