Regarding Really Good Original Authors on Wattpad

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Short list for anyone who wants recs. I'm mainly going over well-established authors who are currently (to my knowledge) working on an original series-- not because I've never read a few good chapters of a new work, but because there are a lot of abandoned stories on here. That said, this is a ... really short list and if you have anyone to add in the comments please do so. ^^"

AwsomeDragons- I don't know who else I could top a list like this with. Jay's writing brims with personality, contains dozens of characters, and will make you laugh and cry at the same time. I've gone over my "completed books from Wattpad" list a few times over and he's honestly written close to half of them. His library is super deep, I've been throwing him at everyone I know for a year now, and if you want to have your heart won over you should check out one of his more recent series. Most of his stuff is fantasy or sci-fi but he's working on some realistic fiction and honestly I'm hyped.

Viscfrost- Kind of cheating here because Visc hasn't completed anything in a while but he also has some of the most incredible worldbuilding I've ever seen. PM him. That stuff is deep like a black hole. He also wrote the only full comic series I've ever seen on here, which is old old old, but a lot of his recent work is great too and he's starting a new one which I'm pumped about. 

FrostFireWarriorCat- So! Cheating again but all seven chapters of PSEUDONYM are writing goals. It's a thick story, packed with action, and the characters have this great dry wit to them. The worldbuilding is awesome and if the rest of the story is anything like the beginning, I think I'm going to strap myself down to the crazy train, because this thing is going OVER THE RAILS.

MoonlightDragon- Beau and Elle are two of the best characters I've read in any Wattpad story I've read lately. I was so stricken by this book that I dropped everything and read all twelve-ish chapters at the time practically back to back. I love the chemistry, I love the plot, I love the mystery, everything about it is gold. I want to push this book on all of you, so uh, go read Synteresis. Because it's rad.

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