the strange rollercoaster we call life

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Crew girl: (screeches) OH MY GOD, THE PROM PICTURES ARE UP!
Me: Oh, nice-

Crew girl: Look at (Crew girl 2), slayin' in that dress-

Me: yeah that's our girl 

(we both laugh)

Crew girl: and here's my sister. Isn't she cute? 

Me: Who's the girl next to her? 

Crew girl: Her date. 


sometimes I think I'm going to be alright.

sometimes I don't know why I'm still scared.

in the end, i don't know if i'll ever come right out, but that's more because it's just not relevant than anything else. i guarantee a few of them already know, since i've been making stupid jokes about it for a while now.

regardless, it's been a crazy and exciting weekend. we placed in time trials, i had several legitimate conversations with a girl i thought might never want to talk to me again, and really, i've just been having fun. no matter what happens tomorrow, i'm glad to be a part of this team.

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