If you think this was a helluva wait I have some bad news for you

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Junior year is going to be a shitshow which is why I wanted to have a queue to begin with. Legit I'm going to be taking 7 IB courses so I should have hours of homework every night.
Anyways, I've prepared a list of Realistic August Goals:
-read like 40 books
-workout every other day or every day
-get published (send things out)
-between my make up chapters and my Unrealistic Goals chapters I'd say I have ~60 chapters of work... this will mainly be to establish a queue so I'm not stressed 24/7. Anyways I should still have TSBS done by fall, and I don't want to start too many projects pre-Nano, so I might move to 4 updates weekly (2 WTRB, 2 DV) and carry them out with the intention of finishing the former pre-Nano.
Of course, the danger in this would be transitioning to an all-original line up. I get most of my reads and follower income from WTRB (it's the project that "pays the bills" or more accurately "fulfills my crippling need for attention") so moving out of fanfic territory will be great for me as a writer but kind of a pain as an author.
-Do a style inventory and Art Daily.
-I still have like ~600 watty chapters to read and a lot of stories I've been asked to check out. Feel free to pile on <0_0>
-Stay determined.

I expect to maybe get half of the above done? Unrealistic goals are kind of my specialty so there's less of an intention of making it and more of an intention of exerting maximum effort and sizing myself up.

Regardless I'm here, I'm queer, and I'm going to throw some hoes down.

The hoes are my characters.

They're going to suffer. A lot.

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