tag yourself: chrona's books edition

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i'll stop making these when hell freezes over and my motivation returns thanks 

(also i'm going to triple update i've had the chapters ready all week i just highkey sometimes don't post things)

also for the curious these are chronological and refer to the books not the fans otherwise all of these would be "has too much free time" and then the hearts of gold one would be "still making egg puns on a thread from three years ago"

overused 2000s meme 

-unironically uses three exclamation points and the XD face 

- watches cat videos in their free time 

-sends memes to all their friends all the time

-"what's a drugs"

-puberty has it in for them 

-just discovered nightcore 

-twelve, fake edgy, and no one understands 


-how the fuck do you spell "pheonix"

-sometimes wrong never in doubt

-seems chill but if you cross will absolutely start screeching incoherently and you will be sorry for all of your sins 

-has a lot of fake friends

-it's ms. bitch to you 

-thinks m night shyamalan movies are really deep 

thicc ice

-the middle child whose personality is "middle child"

-the one straight friend 

-can never think of an "interesting fact" for icebreakers

-rewrites endings of sad movies to be happy no matter how much it actually ruins the movie involved

-the one who scores "lawful evil" on an alignment test despite all their friends claiming they're true neutral 

-should never be trusted in a position of power, ever


-never gets to finish their sentences

-injects references into every conversation even when no one understands or cares

-writes reader and self insert stories

-never got over frozen

-intentionally frozen in the social landscape of 2012 out of sheer denial

hearts of go!

-probably homeschooled

-shy at first but when they start talking they will never stop again

-likes animals but animals hate them 

-the person who cries when the dog dies in the movie

-walls are decked with manga and light novels

-has a squad of twenty people who roll together everywhere

-plays a lotta vidya 

second choices 

-no one knows why they're there

-the black sheep of the friend group

-probably not even real

-wants to travel

-just realized that they're definitely not straight 

the community of large buildings go kaput

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