you know, like nya (no wrimo)

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me the rest of the year: why live

me during november: BECAUSE I'M TOO BUSY TO DIE 

seriously tho nanowrimo is like... good shit. i've told everyone in my school i'm doing it. if anyone leaks to my parents that i'm doing it they're going to kill me. i literally don't show it with them or anything else so all they know is that once a year i disappear and don't come out of my room for a month so it's not like their opposition is entirely uncalled for 

i will say though that even during nanowrimo i've been thinking about the amalgama and dv kids non-stop, probably because the former are deeply linked with fall and the latter are 

i cried about megan again at lunch yesterday

it's kind of unfortunate because the Dreamland books are so much better written (go figure) but I project onto Deja Vu really hard so 

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