what is a summer (update updates)

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My school doesn't get out for- get this- two and a half more weeks. This used to be a huge pain in the ass back in the day when I did Clash but now that I've burned that bridge I just get the scorn of my Wattpad friends who are already out enjoying their summer. Thanks guys. Really, you go have fun.

Anyways as you've noticed there have been no updates in three days because I vacated the country for a regatta. If you live in Canada...

Tim Horton's.

Back to the chapter. 

I now have much more time to work on my chapters, although finals are going to be a nuisance. I might have to make up one or two chapters around the time of my Math final but besides that we should be fine and dandy for the rest of the year.

Current schedule would be:

-Make up yesterday's WTRB update and today's TSBS update.

-Begin regular schedule by Wednesday with a new TSBS update.

From then on the schedule would be 

Monday- I claim this is a 'random' update but we all know it's just Deja Vu.

Wednesday- The Space Between Stars.

Friday- Deja Vu

Saturday- The Space Between Stars (new for the summer)

Sunday- Where The River Bends

I have enough chapters such that if I stick to schedule, make up when appropriate (I'll have vacations but I'll do double update weeks to make up for them or just binge updates), and do a few "event" weeks, I should be done with both The Space Between Stars and Where The River Bends over the summer.

I might binge Deja Vu after that because of certain endgame events... let's just say that when this book gets going, it really gets going, and you do NOT want me to stop halfway through. Regardless that should carry us to November when I'll start my new NaNoWriMo. Then comes The Cities Have Fallen's rewrite...

Ugh, I'm getting so ahead of myself. Anyways, the next books on the docket would be Amalgama (halfway finished with the chapter plans for this), and then the books I want to write would include:

-Extraordinary (on indefinite hiatus because whenever I fix one thing, something else breaks. It's like the book version of the Windows Blue Screen of Death. Just reading the word "Extraordinary" now gives me migraines.)

-Spirits Rising: Heaven's Aria (How many people would get a full Chronaverse book? Like serious, heavy Chronaverse lore. I also have a lot of planning to go on this one.)

-Luminous (Ditto. Plus I have no plot- just dragons.) 

-Lux (feat. "Light" and a bunch of the characters from my summer camp doodle dump. The title is temporary and this one has a similar set up to Deja Vu but with lower stakes because everyone is like... in fifth grade? Honestly it gets really different and really bizarre about halfway through (uh actual reality-manipulating demigod child threatening her friends with being pulled out of existence) but I don't want anyone sitting there thinking "haven't we been here before" for half the book. When I figure out how to make this one different enough to stand on its own I will certainly go for it.)

I could go on and on about Polarity, Genova's Hope, and my next big idea (it's post-apocalyptic fic and it's great), but truth be told I have nooooooo clue which story I'm going to do after Amalgama. I'd have that (96 chapters?!) and TCHF:Retold sustaining me for a long, long (breathes) long, long time, but the other stories have some MAJOR holes I'd need to fix before I'd feel comfortable going ahead with them. It's a shame too, because a lot of my characters exist in stories that are yet to be written and it's hard to geek out about them when no one's formally met them yet.

(I mean, we were all geeking out about Deja Vu for months, but isn't it so much better now that you can actually read it?!)

Plus I'm nervous about going all original fic because my views, followers, and comments tend to take a nosedive. I'm sure you've all noticed 9 out of 10 people follow me for Warriors fic, or because I read their Warriors fic. Not that I mind or that I'm really all that concerned, but TSBS is so... empty. 

(Please read TSBS or Roses and Thorns. Objectively my best written works, especially the latter, which I'm going to come out and say is the best thing I've ever written.) 

Back to the *realistic* future. 

Other things I want to do over the next three weeks:

-Read a lot on here.

-Do Chrona's Corners for Axiom and Mimsy, my cat gals. Maybe someone else you've all recommended as well.

-Art. I have a Doodle chapter queued for tomorrow, hopefully with higher pic quality, then I want to draw an Axiom detailed piece and after that I'm doing digital for the entire Deja Vu team in the style I did Evan in. It's not that good but it's fun to do so whatever.

-Real life stuff, probably, maybe. 



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