(american accent) that's a social foe pass sweaty

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me, eating yogurt in the morning on five and a half hours of sleep: *highkey licking the rim of my yogurt* this is good shit 

my mom: do you do that in public

me, a well-established liar: no

my brain: eureka

me, no longer eating yogurt: what's up

my brain: this is why no one talks to you

i need all 150 calories and 9 grams of protein in this yogurt and no one can stop me 

anyways people are apparently still adding WTRB to their reading list and um i would like to publicly apologize for shafting that book? I've really moved out of fanfiction lately but i do think i will finish it at some point just because I NEED THE CLICKS jk i definitely cared about the book when I started and even if that's lapsed i prefer not to shelf 30k of work unless it's 


(does anyone remember the original retold??? speaking of atrocities)

oh yeah and sorry for the slow dog day wars updates i've been writing like five chapters ahead to quickly boost my wordcount and then i don't post things because i'm too busy drowning in apathy to actually post the chapters i already wrote anyways

fall is a really pretty season and i'd love it if i didn't have long episodes in the middle of it every year (actually i don't think it's a seasonal thing anymore but it's really just draggin my nano here)

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