Surprising Display of Competence Immediately Followed By Abject Failure

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So I'm doing Inktober, kind of, and it's going well? Like I did not expect this to work out. That aside I'm going to have a little more free time from now on aaaaand I'm debating between slower updates and queue building versus starting to update with higher frequency. Right now I'm definitely on the former because updating faster has never raised my chapter read counts. It floods my notifications because I'm receiving less feedback per chapter, but there are more chapters, but then I inevitably fail to keep up with whatever arbitrary goals I set (usually 1 chapter a day) and fall off the map :V

I've also more or less decided that when Deja Vu stops updating it's going to be replaced with two stories instead of one so the update schedule will be the same but there'll be one update a week for each story instead of two for DV and one for everything else. Because favoritism is only okay if you honestly love one of your children more than the others! Speaking of such, the Deja Vu update will be on Friday, as scheduled, so those of you still in shock should Prepare Your Feels. 

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