self help is sobbing over shiloh, also instagram

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I think I might be able to finish Deja Vu in the next few days. Wow. What an experience! This book has been one of the best rides of my life from start to finish, like a NaNoWriMo rush spread out across several months. It feels, in a way, like a spiritual successor to a lot of my earlier works, at least in theme and tone, with snappy dialogue and some dark shit because Chronaverse. Finally having an original work with humans was... well, it wasn't a dream a year ago- it was Extraordinary. And that BITES. Having a GOOD original work with humans makes me so giddy I can hardly restrain myself from just posting all the chapters I have now. I also think I might have just jinxed myself. Pray for me.

Anyways, the point of establishing a queue was to dissociate myself from the work that gets posted on here. I know that sounds counter-intuitive but I spent a lot of time checking read counts and stressing over things before I realized I'm not obligated to care and caring was just impeding legitimate progress. Plus I get to edit my chapters before they go up because I'm not rushing so they've got a nice shiny coat of paint on them. Aaaaand no interruptions or hiatuses, because queue. It's a win-win all around.

I also haven't been posting art, though, due to a general lack of focus on Wattpad. I have actually been doing a LOT of art lately. More than usual. I just haven't posted it here. I do have an instagram now, you can find me at @starboundseraphim, but I don't even post all of it there. I've been doing a lot of doodles, mainly Deja Vu stuff and Out Of Bounds concepts... but I think I've really improved and I have a lot of my tricky characters down. Also face diversity. Face diversity is a win. 

I was also wondering, just because I have no clue how many individual readers I'm actually attracting on anything (a lot of my stuff is populated by silent readers now??? I literally get no comments on WTRB ever, not that I care, because... where the river bends) but how many of y'all are out there, have an instagram, and have some original works/characters?

not that i need the information for anything

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