This Is Not A Hiatus Chapter.

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So. I've made like ten hiatus chapters regularly. I would say, "Did you all miss me," but honestly the last month and a half has really left little to be missed. I'll work my way back up there. In theory. Currently the goal is to just start posting again, because I actually have been writing--more than usual, actually. The only difference in my writing regime lately is that I haven't been posting on Wattpad. It was causing a lot of stress and I know those five minutes it takes to copy/paste a story and post them don't sound like a lot, because they really aren't, but I've also been... self-conscious? I don't know. Anyways, I probably will just start posting again and I'm cleaning my inbox at the convenient time of now-o-clock, but most of my updates are just going to be my original stories and they will be at random. I am sick of waiting around for some more opportune time to post CRUX and Amalgama. They're both going to be messes with too many characters no matter what I do so I'll probably throw out the first chapter of Amalgama (and by that I mean the prologue and potentially the "allegiances"-esque deal) today and CRUX whenever I get everyone's names down. I also owe you guys a chapter of TSBS so that'll be up too. No one is obligated to read anything, but it always helps.

I really do think something snapped when I finished Deja Vu by completely ignoring the update schedule and then again when I couldn't finish NaNoWriMo. 

I can't get back into anything.

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