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Hey it's Chrona! Back at ya with philosophical questions like "If you're an avid follower of this book, does that mean you've... drunk the cool-aid?" 

Just kidding we don't serve KoolAid here. Just the distilled tears of my characters, my readers, and myself mixed with a nice, frothy eggnog. Mmmmm.

Anyways TheGoldenWulf got this mix way back in the day but I wanted to share some of the songs that practically made the Hearts of Gold trilogy. Songs are a large part of my creative process, I listen to music while writing and have "mixes" and even individual character song tastes down. I also heavily correlate music with certain places, times, or experiences, so it's a way of mentally binding my stories to my real life as it happened. It sounds weird when you put it that way,  of course, but don't we all have that song that played at that one party or that one dance that makes you smile every time you hear it just because of the memories? A song an old friend enjoyed before you drifted apart?

Sort of like that, I guess.

(This isn't all the songs I have filed under this book series but seriously, do you want to be here all year?)

(ask for titles/tell me if anything doesn't load thanks)


I was halfway through the original draft of Hearts of Gold (then eloquently titled "Nuzlocke") when I found this song. I didn't even have a Wattpad account yet! Still, the song stuck with me for a long, long time. Family and community are at the core of the Hearts of Gold trilogy, and HoG!Ashley (maybe even sullen BS!Ashley?) would totally jam out to this.

Obligatory "gold eyes" lyrics drop. Ashley's music tastes range from peppy to peppier. How else do you convince the whole team to grind until they pass out? 

For some reason I really associate this with Ashley's temporal powers. Ashley had a dubstep phase before she left New Bark too. The walls of her house are thin and Elm used to come over in the middle of the night to ask if wild Pokemon had attacked their house.

"No, that's just my daughter's... music."

Ms. Hart is not paid enough for this shit.

My favorite Khrys x Sky song. The two of them like "anything you can dance to, preferrably in the air". Sky knows Khrys's arms are too short now to twirl her around, and around, and around, like he did as a human, but he's still awed as ever by the way she moves in the thermals. Sky's also canonically the best singer.

Obligatory Lilly song. Can you FEEEEEL 

Lilly listens to a lot of electric music I guarantee it. Of course there's the obvious type deal but it's also so upbeat and energetic and that just screams Lilly to me. Speaking of Lilly's music tastes...

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