shitty story ideas with chrona

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so i write a lot of shitty story ideas that i would not for some reason or another be able to make into a book, usually because they are absolute jokes, but regardless, here are a few that i've been sitting on for a while

-The Apocalypse Survival Manual for Oblivious Jackasses: what if you had a harem anime but as a post-apocalyptic, possibly a zombie story/flick/etc. like you played everything else straight but this one incompetent, mild-mannered guy just has seven love interests and all of them fall into harem anime tropes. 

-Exit, Pursued By A Bear: theatre geek rebuffs but eventually falls for the advances of a gay man. it's a gay love story but the joke is the title

-a fantroll for homestuck whose quirk is that she misspells a word in every line, correcting herself in a separate line. sometimes she uses misspelled words to spell out things, including attempting to give away who her murderer was when her whole party absolutely beefs it and the survivors are looking for culprits (see murderstuck from homestuck prime). she wants to be a legislacerator but she's never taken seriously because she's not teal and she's about as passionate as she is incompetent

-crew mecha anime. it's pacific rim but it's crew and instead of eights everyone uses these massive dragon mechs that function like boats with one person in each 'leg' and the coxswain uses a neural interface to connect w the rowers

this has been my brain at 11 pm

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