June! July! Et cetera!

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So, if I have any one personality flaw that is particularly manifest, it is my ability to make promises on Wattpad I can't actually keep. One might say I have impossible goals and standards for myself and I would respond that... yeah that's about right on the money. Anyways, even given that, I knew I had to back off for this month, and that is what I've done. Exam season has been an absolute mess but I've come out the other side stronger for it... coming out the other side... anyways, exam season as I know it, in its most potent, deadly form, ends next week. Starting June 4th, updates will return as follows...

MONDAY: The Cities Have Fallen

TUESDAY: Amalgama

THURSDAY: new project-- I'm going to be writing Out of Bounds. It's the first story that got "cut off" by my art update schedule, so I never got too far into the characters and plot. I'd be happy to share art if anyone's interested, but I also think this presents an opportunity for me as most of my readers will be going in totally blind.


Of course, other goals for the summer:

-I'm working on a collaboration story called The Thirteen Gates with AwsomeDragons that has been on hiatus due to my exam season. It will pick up and hopefully take off now that I'll have more free time.

-I'll be reading a lot on here! Current goal is something like ~5 chapters a day but I've already absolutely LOADED my folder with interesting stories and I can't wait to read all your works and catch up with stories I've fallen behind on!

I'll also finally respond to my PMs, ha ha. Love you guys! See you soon!!!

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