allow me to vocally accompany you off of a cliff

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At this point I have a bunch of characters pinpointed down to bands and a lot of them fit really well like "of course Evan would listen to folk punk it's just screaming into a microphone" or "Lotus with Gregory and the Hawk and soft ukelele seems pretty legitimate" but then there are some characters whose individual songs fit them but it's like... either really inconsistent or just flat-out ridiculous on the face of it

for example I somehow ended up with a FNAF fan song and some dubstep under Elle and ??? ??? there are also a lot of songs under Gale that are significantly angsty but they're so off the wall that I regularly question what I was even thinking but can't bring myself to remove them

then there are just characters like Dylan and most of the Roses and Thorns cast that just... refuse to go with anything no matter how hard I try to push it so I digress

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