unfortunate news

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Mmmmmmmm I really hate how these chapters clog this book up but honest to God this one is important. So I'm going to a writing camp (again) and I tried to make a queue but did not (again) and my motivation has kind of shriveled up after certain shouting matches with important individuals in my life that have left me kind of a wreck for a few days

oh wait that happened after camp last year nvm

OKAY well the main thing is that I'm totally fine but I just don't have the energy or time to write for six hours a day for three days straight to write all the chapters I'd need for the camp period. HOWEVER I will be marking them down as "back-up" and my summer goals are unchanged. Plus my parents said I could have all of next week (by next week I mean the week after camp) to write so I can publish a bunch of stuff in August.

Yes, publish.

No, nothing on here. I will not be publishing any full-length novels until I get out of college at the earliest because I want my debut novel to actually be my debut novel (professionally made!) and not a pet project I took on because I either got access to Amazon.com or someone got me one of those kits... you know the kits? Not degrading people who put themselves out there early, you absolutely should if you think you're ready, but it's just not happening for me. 

Instead, I'm going to try to go for some youth journals and the like and enter some contests. I never have the motivation during the school year so I'm going to submit like thirty pieces over August instead 


 It's going to be a fun time folks.

That will take time though and I want to also work on some other personal goals so it's just... seriously, I will get back into everything later. This isn't going to be like last summer and PLEASE PLEASE PM ME AND SHAKE ME DOWN ALL SUMMER IF I'M NOT UPDATING AGAIN TWO WEEKS FROM NOW. BUG THE CRAP OUT OF ME. COMMENT "WHEN ARE YOU UPDATING" ON ALL MY MOST RECENT CHAPTERS. PM ME TEN TIMES. DON'T DO IT TO ANYONE ELSE BECAUSE IT'S STILL RUDE BUT IT WILL ACTUALLY HELP ME I SWEAR.

uh... yeah. Also considering doing a chronaverse q and a? would anyone be interested i know people have worldbuilding questions but also if anyone wants to ask questions to anyone from any of my books that would be rad and i'll set up a thing 

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