auxiliary books aka where are the updates with chron

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So many of you have probably heard me talk about my auxiliary books but I never really explain what they are, I just throw the term "auxiliary" and a bunch of titles around. Auxiliary used to be any Chronaverse books that weren't Dreamland, including those that technically exist in the Chronaverse but that doesn't have any bearing on the plot (Luminous, Extraordinary, Deja Vu, etc.) but since has come to just be any book I want to write but haven't written yet.

My creative process consists of periods of brainstorming or just general inspiration (basically whenever I'm awake, things tend to come up), which leads into very vague plots and characters, which are filed onto documents, then after a few months I file a story I can't stop thinking about or have worked on a sufficient amount onto its own document. So these would be the stories that have their own documents but I haven't put up on Wattpad yet (as discussed jokingly): 

-Deja Vu

What is it? Two groups of teenagers are endowed superpowers to save the world from two separate entities who have acquired a shard of the mysterious material known as Diosite, which corrupts and twists the mind of humans and grants access to near unlimited power. Stuck at the heart of this conflict and the kids' struggle to balance hero life with their normal lives are Will and Adam Rosenbloom, twins recruited for separate missions who unwittingly keep the secret of their identities away from each other. 
When are We Getting There? I'm literally working on the first chapter as we speak. It's just a really long first chapter and I'm... unsatisfied with my ability to establish that the twins are flawed and their strained relationship is what triggers the plot to begin with. Will is a secretive, finnicky dreamer. This initiates and drives the plot. Adam is your typical brusque, somewhat condescending teenage boy and doesn't really give a damn. This drives and initiates the plot. They grow from somewhere. 

Troubleshooting: The above. The other issue with the book would be that while I love Karen, Garrett, and Amanda, I'm in love with the Alpha team, especially Evan and Megan. The hard part is making the conflicts both teams face original, compelling, and different without making you compare the two of them mentally or wait painful amounts of time for your favorite POV to come up while skimming the other.


What is it? Twelve shapeshifters, all of whom present themselves in the teenage-ish age range, travel across rural America as they attempt to reconcile with their monstrous true forms, inhuman abilities and impulses, and learn why they exist or if they even should, really. It's unclear to any one of them if they're human, beast, or somewhere in between, but it's a journey each one of them takes differently. 

When are We Getting There? I'm twenty-five percent of the way done with the "fishbone" or chapter draft, where I plan everything chapter-by-chapter. These guys are also my oldest auxiliary book, stemming all the way back to ninth grade, so it's about time they get a chance anyways. I'd say... whenever I resolve the below issues. 



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