Chrona's Corner: Damien

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(So this is a thing I was going to do and have wanted to do forever. If I get good reception I'll theoretically do more but it may turn out like the Dreamland Lore stuff- a fun one-shot that never really goes anywhere. Regardless I hope you enjoy, it was a lot of fun to put this together. :))



Story: Amalgams

Species: Shapeshifter (Amalgama)

Age: represents self as 14~

Sexuality: Heterosexual? (Young and still working things out.)

Powers: sonic wave creation, amalgama shapeshifting, enhanced singing capabilities.

Relationships: Mary (potential romantic interest), Gillian and Alex (friends), Angel (big sister figure), Mimsy (friend).

Random Facts:

-has sung to animals alone, like a Disney princess.

-will wear skirts when the group isn't in the main city

-doesn't understand adult jokes 80% of the time

-trips. trips a lot. will trip in true form too. eternal klutz

-favorite food is chocolate cake but generally just has a massive sweet tooth

-despite his general anxiety, has a prevailing belief in the good of others

-best smile of the group.


Damien is one of the twelve Amalgams, shapeshifting human-esque beings created by groundbreaking technology thought to have been acquired from another world. Damien in particular was created as a means of generating money for the facility involved- they had a high-paying client willing to shell out close to a billion for a genetic duplicate of their son, who had died of cancer. Damien's DNA was tweaked to "improve" said copy somewhat, and through the process acquired the same powers as the other Amalgama. He was soon to be shipped off which was what spurred the group to escape together in the first place.

(Due to amnesia surrounding these events, said backstory is only known by himself and Mimsy. They've chosen not to disclose it to anyone else.)

Damien is on the younger side of the group of twelve renegades (now on the run from the law and ostensibly themselves) and is certainly on the weaker side of the group power-wise, which they never cease to torment him for. Damien is in a small clique with the other middle-aged amalgam teens, Mary, Gillian, and Alex. The former two have locked him in a perpetual idealistic war between them, since Mary is a reckless and ambitious hooligan and Gillian is anything but. He loves them both dearly but while he's more apt to side with Gillian, Mary has a stronger grip on him through their romantic relationship. 

Damien's primary interest and drive is his musical ability, which the others have little to no interest in. Damien secretly longs to pursue his calling as a singer or performer, but his responsibilities to the group hold him back from breaking away.


(Sometimes the story of how a character got made is just as interesting as the character themselves- some of the Dreamland characters are almost a decade old and have undergone close to a dozen iterations since I created them.)

The Amalgams were originally based off the Undertale Amalgams and were inspired by a host of different characters, including some of my own, but I eventually turned them into an original property instead of a neat thought experiment because I just couldn't stop thinking about them! Damien was the last to be made of the group, which became reflected in his often sheepish demeanor and general weak physicality. Most of his original character was him set in contrast to Mary, and he was originally her 'foil', but as development continued I shifted away from their somewhat dysfunctional relationship and onto Mary's rivalry with Gillian. While I was worried this would render Damien obsolete it probably gave him a lot more room to breathe and let him have his own individual arc.

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