schedule 2017

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So! I thought I'd give everyone a quick update on how I'm doing as an author before I go do actual author things, like writing or stewing in my own inability to write. I kind of wanted to do this thing in March of last year (camp NaNo) which didn't work, but, I did essentially the same thing in August and got over 100k words done within this month. I also finished both The Space Between Stars and Deja Vu. This means both books are essentially running on queue and will continue to do so until they are finished. I'm not quite done with Where The River Bends but I have a good two to three weeks on queue and there should be no interruptions in schedule all the way up to the end of the book. I was hoping to finish it over October but ya can't always get what you want so I guess I'm flexible. Regardless, all of my stories will be on update hiatus during November, likely leaving most of those stories on massive cliffhangers. Your patience is appreciated. ^^"

As for my upcoming projects, I have my NaNoWriMo locked in and ready to go. Like last year I'm trying not to spoil too much but the title will be The Dog Days Wars and it will be radical. After I finish that, I'll finish posting Deja Vu and start Amalgama and Crux both with one update per week, so I keep that four-chapter-per-week momentum. After TSBS, I want to move into the rewrite of The Cities Have Fallen, and then I have a plethora of original works to begin on post-WTRB (including Lux and Out of Bounds, but also potentially Extraordinary? Really I have about ten to fifteen stories to start at my leisure). 

Then I have a bunch of other books that are in the dock but are legitimately so half-formed that even thinking about writing them gives me a migraine. Objectively these are some of the more fun ideas  but I really can't see myself writing them anytime soon. Probably no one has heard about Tratsen's Sorrow but I know Spirits Rising, the Activity reboot, LUMINOUS (the dragon book), and Polarity have all come up in my art books a handful of times. I'll keep you guys updated if I suddenly have a breakthrough but the longer a book sits on an unfinished skeleton or my planning document (all these are the former which gives them some small sliver of hope) the more likely it is that I will never get around to writing them. 

That said! As you might have noticed all of these books are original. I may have touched on this before, but after Where The River Bends, I think I'll be done with fanfiction, at least for now. It's not that I'm growing out of the genre (okay I guess you could consider that) or that I have any disdain for fanfiction, which I absolutely don't, but more that it used to be that original stories were tricky and cumbersome while fanfiction was super easy for me to write and I could just crank it out. Now it's essentially the other way around, well, I guess now they're both hard? Inspiration for fanfiction is kind of lacking over here. I always wrote really off-canon stuff anyways so this was less of a leap of faith for me and more just putting my foot on the other side of a sidewalk crack. I'm really excited to go work on my new works but original stories... don't really fare as well on this corner of Wattpad. I'm definitely never going to encroach upon the more popular original writers on here in views but I'm also kind of situated in a fanfick-y corner and meaningless jargon aside it's just reaaaally hard to get reads. Your support is always appreciated and if you like what I'm doing make sure to let me know, put your books on my reading lists, and comment. I don't want to be the "like, comment, and subscribe" guy but it is VERY hard to get yourself out there! Hopefully all of you enjoy my new books and stick around for the ride. :)

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