tag yourself: chronaverse virtues edition

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So I have this way of ordering my characters that essentially ties into a magical field governing all creation and if you vastly oversimplify how it effects different organisms and take out time/space and chaos/order stuff you get a fairly generic elemental system, but it's the chrona elemental system, which means it's your basic elemental system on speed 

(also just for the below asterisks means I'm not sure because a lot of characters move around)

so that said

tag yourself 

you're fired

-super peppy about life, especially about things that no one should ever be peppy about

-hard to approach but not because they're mean they're just... a lot 

-motivational friend

-"so i got up at five today to run, broke my record for a 5k, and now i'm upset because i've only completed all my homework since and i feel like i've wasted the day :((((((("

-never sleeps (they are the coffee)

-lowkey terrifying

-will not eat anything that doesn't have at least 5 grams of protein in it 

some fire aspects from my books: Torch, Serena*, Mary, Vivian, Bronze

natural selection

-knows everyone's name, and their last name, and their social security number

-banned from every group chat ever made


-dad jokes 

-their music taste is confusingly obscure and sporadic, no one who touches their spotify makes it out unscathed 

-gives the best hugs

-eats through all their problems 

-will fight anyone while smiling and then proceed to joke about it no matter how serious the situation actually is

-secretly holds grudges/crushes/etc. for a million years 

some natural aspects from my books: Amanda, Dylan, Dill 

water you doing

-the mom friend

-uses emoji literally and doesn't understand why everyone acts so weird about the eggplant

-soft, pure

-listens to entire musicals on repeat while doing homework

-if you hurt them all of their friends will probably come to your house and burn you at stake while you sleep

-relocates insects outside 


-highly aesthetic 

some water aspects from my books: Riana, Megan

can you lighten up a bit 

-never has a narcissist hated themselves so much

-either absolutely ecstatic with life or... not

-don't ask them about their interests unless you want to be held at metaphorical gunpoint for five hours while they rail off everything known to man about this one subject 

-makes self-deprecating jokes constantly but gets really concerned for their friends' welfare when they do 

-supposedly very smart but constantly makes poor life decisions

-not paying attention 

-most likely to be leading an actual cult

some light aspects from my books: Red, Rena, Genny, Adam, Lotus

the edgy one 

-unironically listens to Linkin Park

-has had a crush on the same person for ten years

-never changes their clothes 

-believes in love at first site but not in texting people less than twenty times a day

-posts all their angry shit on social media

-has at least three x's in all their usernames

-gets very attached to inanimate objects and small animals but shhh no one has to know

some dark aspects from my books: Nina, Gale, Derrick, Evan

electric boogaloo 2: electric boogaloo 

-*clenched fist* 

-would be a good leader if anyone ever paid attention to what they were saying 

-picks up pennies 

-frequently gets told by adults they have "a lot of potential" but no one has ever actually explained what his is supposed to mean or what they are supposed to do with it 

-plays video games past midnight 

-makes the dreamworks face when they're confident


some lightning aspects from my books: Will, Karen, Alex, Avery, Marie*

air to the throne 

-easily distracted by shiny objects

-wants to move 

-isn't sure what they did wrong considering they never actually paid attention to the rules to begin with 

-mention any kind of obligation and they are immediately gone 

-small confining spaces are their archnemesis and this includes any kind of formal education or meeting just miss them with that 

some air aspects from my books: Alix, Sweep, Mikayla*

ice ice baby 

-follows rules in public pools and other spaces and personally admonishes people who don't do the same

-would not cheat to save their life

-would rather break you in half than break their principles

-finishes all their homework assignments the night they're assigned 

-"I'm not mad I'm just disappointed" 

some ice aspects from my books: Rose, Angel, Tammory


-background character in their own life

-"my hobbies are... ... wel l  l"

-says "back in my day" all the time

-constantly complains about being born into the wrong generation

-can not physically use a smartphone 

-resting bitch face 

some earth aspects from my books: Gillian, Finn*

i have a lot more in books i haven't written who are more definitively typed but I definitely don't want to spoil that for you here so just know all my friends eventually forced me to write a bunch of ice aspects 

also if you ask below i'll type one of my kids bc i do have more... a lot more (spoiler alert i write a fuckton of light aspects i'll give you one guess why) 

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