o canada

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our very last regatta of the year. we are going to canada and it will be lit. i mean there's this whole issue with me being on a boat i just got back onto and as such everyone on there is like "chrona? you mean the sophomore? with terrible form? who literally is on as a replacement???????"

thanks i mean was on your boat through most of feb/march/april but thanks anyways i mean i really appreciate the pitying smiles i get or how none of you will talk to me unless i initiate the conversation and continue to stare at me like i'm stupid

also everyone else on the team does a bunch of cute stuff together i don't think they all knew each other beforehand but they sure as hell do now 

and i'm like did i miss

the boat 

sorry for being bitter this was literally supposed to be an update chapter... i'm really not as pissed as i sound and i'll be just fine. it's a sport that i love with people i love most of the time but sometimes you know things get a bit tricky... you know like with siblings

i have almost a hundred siblings and i don't know half of their names (read: the entire guys team)

but if they're my siblings... and my characters are my kids... are they their aunts and uncles

who is my wife????

anyways i should probably stop asking unfortunate questions that arise from my poorly constructed metaphors. the update news is that i might not update now through sunday, possibly monday, because of canada and i don't know how wi fi will work out? I've definitely tried to write on the bus before but I get carsick and I want to go do touristy stuff, ya know? Live a little.

Regardless updates will continue to be inconsistent because of finals, then they will be inconsistent because of vacations and camps, and then they will be inconsistent because I will be back in school again and Junior year is going to be hell on wheels. The one thing that will be consistent is that I love you all, that you make my craft worth doing and my day a little brighter, and that Miki will continue to be the best Eeveelution in Broken Souls.

Actually that's three things.

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