i have come here to outdo the impossible or the impossible is going to outdo me

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I have refrained myself from writing this chapter for a substantial amount of time because the one thing that has plagued my Wattpad career for who knows how many years is making promises which I inevitably can't keep. Thus, as a disclaimer, I maintain that this preposition is entirely temporary. However, temporary or otherwise, it is an undertaking I have been steadily going at for a month and I have about a week and a half of queue, which more than allows me to make this in full confidence:

I am updating six out of seven days of the week endlessly, or at least as close to endlessly as I can possibly allow myself to do so without interfering with school.

Currently my update schedule looks like this:

AMALGAMA- Monday, Friday

THE CITIES HAVE FALLEN (II)- Tuesday, SaturdayCRUX- Wednesday, Sunday

(Thursday is still a writing day but it's for poetry and short stories I won't be posting here.)

This in no way means I'll be skimping on quality, as I queue these chapters up ahead of time and then edit them the day of. However, the grind is very real. I wrote well over 8000 words today alone. It seems like a lot, but honestly, writing has always been a great source of joy for me and I adore my characters more than words (ironically) could possibly express. I'm pretty sure this schedule speaks to that point, but if you notice any real decline in quality, then feel to step in and fight me. That aside, the chapters I've done this month are some of my favorites of all time and it would be really nice to have you guys following along. If you don't have the time to digest 2000 words a night that is TOTALLY fine but if you'd like to pick whichever story is to your liking and following along, please come on board! It might take a while to get into the casts but I promise I won't disappoint. I have a substantial amount of experience behind me and now that I'm more confident in my writings I feel things are finally coming together for me from a stylistic standpoint.

All three books are pretty lore- and cast- heavy, so I don't know what to tell you if that's not your forte, but they're each pretty distinct stylistically and I'm trying to do something completely different with each of them. If you like urban fantasies and lighter, snappier humor, Crux is probably your forte, while The Cities Have Fallen is a high fantasy world apocalyptic novel with an emphasis on trippy imagery, the final result between the battle of good and evil, and faith. Finally, AMALGAMA has twelve main characters and though the 'plot' is simplistic, the characters are probably my favorites from any book and their interactions and struggle with their own compromised humanity in a world with no place for them defines the book.  Overall, all three of these books are passion projects, some of which I've been planning for upwards of two to three years, and I would write them with any number of reads but having the motivation is really helpful at this level of output. If you don't have time to read my works yourself, or if you're a long-time follower who just can't get around to it, please pass the message on to any followers or friends you think might be interested. I know it's a lot to ask but this is the hardest I've ever been working and it would mean everything to me to finally start making headway in the Wattpad world.

Finally, shout outs to AwsomeDragons and Viscfrost for making the new The Cities Have Fallen and Deja Vu covers respectively. These two are some of my best friends, on- or offline, and their works are a joy to read. You two never fail to make my day. <3

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