Update on the Update Updates!

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ok i'll stop 

Anyways, after reading comments and contemplating my current schedule and the results I get for it, I've decided to ax the Saturday TSBS update. I think it'll give me more time to plan The Cities Have Fallen, so from now on Wednesday is just going to be my official "Dreamland day" probably for the foreseeable future. That's still four updates a week, which I think is already pushing the limits of what people can keep up with. 

I will be posting a TSBS chapter tomorrow, because consistency, but after that it will be all Wednesdays up into... possibly January, given how many chapters there are left in the book. Where The River Bends might finish around the same time and I'd say Deja Vu should be done in late December, right in time for Christmas. 

(I have so many bad jokes to make about this and all of them involve spoilers.)

Regardless, your support and comments are always appreciated, no matter which of my books you're tuned into. Your feedback makes this whole endeavor worthwhile. 

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