Lifelong Regrets

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I think everyone has that one thing that they regret doing or not doing even though at the time you had no idea how important said action or lack thereof would be...

...and this is super personal, but I'm just going to come out and say it.

I really wish I could travel back in time and chuck the first Animorphs book at tiny Chrona.

(I mean, and then the second one, and so forth, because one of the most challenging barrier to reading the books was that no one who had the first one had the second one, and no one who had the second had the third, and most waiting rooms at hospitals had something in the single-digits you couldn't start with, and all in all it was very confusing.) 

Seriously, though, sometimes I just lie awake at night and think about how radically different my life would have been if Animorphs had ended up being the series that did what Warriors or The Last Dragon Chronicles eventually did for me in terms of my writing.

Anyone else want to share that random, innocuous, timeline altering thing they'd like to fix? Or just screw around with, indeterminate of its effect on you and the space-time continuum?

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