big mood: serena

28 7 2

Sorry for my lack of commitment I get home at 7 and have upwards of three hours of homework a night daily. I do a lot of it in school but right now I'm still trying to balance my schedule without dying.

On the other hand I'm still writing but without the stress and it feels


I can't even describe how much I love all of these big terrifying towering goals and work and like every minute of my day is utilized... okay, so maybe I watch a youtube video or two... but like, I'm booked. Booked booked. Wow. WOW.

Anyways i'll be posting art this weekend I guess? Reading too? Sorry about my uh, lack of, 

geez I already said that 

point is I'm doing great even though I miss you all. Sorry for not responding to PMs as well hahah just expect me on on weekends 

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