Can We Talk?
Chapter 4
Moana's POV
A few days later...
After spending a few sulking around the village, I've finally gathered enough courage to face Maui. He's been living in a private hut on top of Mount Montonui so I make the hike up there. When I get to his hut, I stare in a daze for a moment before knocking. Immediately after I knock, the door comes flying open and I'm face to face with a very depressed Maui. His head is hanging low, his eyes are bloodshot, and he looks like he hasn't showered in days. I don't mean to poke fun at him by saying this, but he also smells like he hasn't showered in days either.
"M-Maui, you look awful." He snorts. "You don't look so great yourself." His snarky attitude shifts to a more gentle one. "I'm glad you're here. I've missed you. I really want to talk things out." I can feel tears teasing my eyes. I knew that as soon as he said I miss you that my feelings would get the best of me. As if on queue, I burst into tears in his arms. "Why wasn't I good enough for you Maui? I-I thought our love was true. What went wrong?" I can feel his body shake against mine and when I look up at him, I see tears falling down his face. "Moana, I'm so sorry for everything I've done to hurt you. You deserve so much better than me."
Both of cry and cry until we can't anymore and when we can't anymore, we sit down side by side in silence. The silence lasts for nearly an hour before Maui breaks it. "Moana, I know it's going to take you awhile to trust me again, let alone let me be close to you, but I need to know that I'm not going to lose you completely. I won't be able to live with myself if I do." I sigh tiredly. "I don't want to lose you completely either, but honestly Maui, I can't promise anything right now. I'm going to be up front with you when I say that I may be distant and cold for awhile. You were my first love and to be honest, you'll probably be my only love. It hurts me more than anything to know that you may pursue someone else eventually, but I'll try my best to be happy for you."
Maui gives me a grim smile and nod. No other words are exchanged between the two of us and we part ways for the time being. I was afraid that if I stayed that close to him any longer, I'd explode emotionally, mentally, and physically. God only knows what will happen when one of us starts dating again, though I have a feeling that it's not going to be me that does so first.
Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

An Ageless Love (Maui x Tamatoa Fanfic)
FanfictionMaui's been dating Moana for a year now, but lately he's been finding himself having romantic thoughts about a certain half human half monster (Tamatoa). Does he stay with Moana because of everything they've been through or does he jump ship? Read t...