Stone Cold

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Stone Cold

Chapter 32

Tamatoa's POV

Three days later...

  Maui got better a lot faster than I did only because he's a fancy, schmancy demigod. I love him, but it's not fair that I was laid up in bed for twice as long as he was. Like hello, I'm immortal too. Next time I'm sick, I better get better quicker or else I'll flip out. Though I'm just glad Maui's better. I don't like seeing him so weak and tired. Now he's back to his cocky and lovable self. 

  Maui and I are spending the day with Moana and some boy she's been yammering on about. I'm happy for Moana. She's been making progress with loosing her romantic feelings for Maui and moving on. I want her to have some happiness. Apparently she met the boy at a family dinner last night. He's the son of one of the fisherman. He loves to be out on the ocean as well, therefore he's perfect for a girl like Moana. His name is Loi by the way. He's twenty in mortal years, only making him two years older than Moana. We've all been getting along great... except for him and Maui. Loi doesn't care for Maui and Maui seems to be weary of Loi. If they start fighting, it's not going to be a pretty sight. 

   His body is beginning to tense up in a menacing way. Concern immediately washes over me and I wrap an arm around him protectively. "Maui, please try and relax. We don't know Loi well enough to judge him yet. Plus Moana's making a real effort to move on. You should be happy for her. He grunts at me. "I am happy for her." "I don't mean to accuse you of anything Maui, but you're not exactly acting like it." Maui suddenly shoves me off of him and coldly says "I'm fine" before storming off. I look at Moana and Loi apologetically before going after Maui. 

    "Maui, what the hell is your problem? Do you still have feelings for Moana?" Maui quickly turns his head towards me and glares. "I don't have feelings for Moana anymore Tama. God why you getting all up in my business?" Anger gets the best of me as I shove him like he shoved me off of him just a few minutes ago. "Because I love you you damn idiot. I know you're not okay and that you're hiding something from me. Be honest with me. Tell me what's your on mind instead of shutting me out." I glare back at Maui and smirk triumphantly as I see he's beginning to show signs of defeat. "You're right. I am hiding something from you." 

   I move closer to him and put my hands on his waist. "What are you hiding from me?" I look into his eyes but he stares past me. With very little emotion in his voice, he says "I still have some feelings for Moana. I don't want her dating anyone else." I stare at him in shock and put a finger under his chin, forcing him to look at me. "You wanted Moana to move on but yet you don't want her dating anyone else? You can't have it both ways Maui, just like you can't love both of us. It'll only destroy you in the end." For the first time since I've called him out, Maui begins to show slight emotion in his eyes. "I told you when we first started dating that all I am is a monster. I warned you Tama, but you didn't listen. Sooner or later, I was bound to hurt you. I think it's best if both you and Moana stayed away from me for awhile." 

   Without another word, Maui grabs his hook from the ground, goes into the ocean with it, shifts into shark form, and swims off into the horizon while I sink to my knees on the shore sobbing like I've never sobbed before. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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